Welcome to London Coruscant

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April 27th, 2022

"Where are we?" Matt asked

"We are in the home of one of my father's many work associates. This particular associate has a habit of taking off the last weekend of the month to travel to an exotic location. This month he's gone off to Ryloth/Algeria where prostitution is legal. He has a thing for Twi'lek woman." Elektra replied

"That's the case for every human and non human male on the planet."

Matt and Elektra laughed as Elektra leapt into Matt's lap. Matt didn't question Elektra when she smashed the side window of the front door with her Sai.

"This home isn't as good as my father's but it'll do for a nice weekend getaway until the owner comes back." Elektra said laughing

"I can tell how far the sound travels in this place this is a gigantic Mansion."

"Well my love perhaps eating some food will help you appreciate this wonderful abode. Let us go to the kitchen."

"You talk like a two faced Imperial. Thank galaxy I'm blind so I don't have to see you in an Imperial uniform."

"I'd jump out the airlock of a Star Destroyer before I wear those ugly gray uniforms." Elektra moaned dramatically

"Do you smell that?" Matt asked

"That bowl of fruit on the counter. Ugh. Surely there's something more delectable than that. Put me down and I'll take a look inside the fridge."

Once Matt placed Elektra on her feet she walked over to the refrigerator and looked through its contents.

"Anything good?"

"There's truffles or cheese."

"I'll take the cheese. Do you think we could live in a house like this?" Matt asked as he laid on the countertop

Elektra sliced pieces of cheese and fed each piece of them to Matt as he laid on the countertop.

"I don't see why not? We could go anywhere and do anything. We are unstoppable you and I." Elektra replied

"Anywhere? That's a lot for me take in. I've been in New York/Lothal my whole life."

Elektra kissed Matt holding a piece of cheese behind her back.

"I'll show you the world and everything it has to offer. We could have a house in Italia Naboo or London Coruscant."

"Welcome to London Coruscant Mr. and Mrs. Murdock. Ok I like how that sounds.  How many children do we have and what are there names?" Matt asked

Elektra fed him another piece of cheese.

"Ellie is the oldest and the young Matt Junior is just a handful. Luckily we hired a good tutor to keep him in line."

Matt and Elektra laughed but the memory faded. Elektra shook her head desperately trying to relive that moment but it was gone.

She remembered what year it was. 2033. It was the month of July. One month before the start of Stage 1 of Alexandra's grand plan to allow the Hand secret control of the entirety of Palpatine's Global Empire. Elektra was tired of Alexandra going on and on about her plan. She was sick of strategy meetings and training. Elektra wanted something for herself but she was stuck living out Alexandra's dream and fulfilling her goals.

"I can give you that memory back and make it real." Aida offered

"What are you talking about?" Elektra asked

"You don't have to pretend with me. I know what you really want because you want Matthew the same way I want Leopold. I have a plan but it's going to require precise timing. Then you'll get the freedom to decide your own future Elektra." Aida promised

"Why are you doing this?" Elektra asked

"You're someone who we have a lot in common with. When you form a partnership with someone like that it can be an excellent motivational tool. That's something I learned about humans right before they killed me. It's that resolve that allowed me to reconnect with the Core and understand your motivations Elektra. I failed because I tried to create my future with Leopold alone. You failed because the Hand tried to use you for their own ambitions but I know what you truly want and I can help you."

"Why should I trust you Aida?"

"Because I'm the only one who cares about what you really want."

Present Day

Elektra slowly got to her feet and entered the dining room area of the restaurant. Her head pounded in pain after the speeder bike thrown by the tall dark haired detective hit her and pushed her into the kitchen. She saw Alexandra shooting beams of golden energy and she saw Matthew dodging the beams. The tall bald black male with a black and yellow sweatshirt grimaced slightly as he took damage from a wrist mounted blaster. He grabbed the person using this weapon by the neck and threw him at two other combatants battling with the female detective. All three assailants lay sprawled on the ground and the black man and detective joined the Iron Fist in battle.

"My child. Assist me at once!" Alexandra called over to Elektra

Daisy Johnson was helping Matthew by using her vibration based powers to push Alexandra backward towards the bar. Alexandra was barely holding on using circular golden rings of energy to block Daisy's attacks.

"Do you not remember that we give eternal life to those who seek it but remove any obstacle that prevents us from giving others life? Do what is necessary my child and kill those two for preventing us from giving people life." Alexandra called out

Elektra rubbed her forehead remembering exactly what to do as the pain she felt subsided. She drew her sword and leapt in the air looking at Matthew who was fighting two combatants at once preventing them from attacking Daisy from behind. Then she turned to Alexandra whose energy shields were beginning to crack under the pressure of Daisy's vibrations. She slashed Alexandra across her back with her sword and Alexandra cried out in pain.

"What's necessary to have a life with Matthew Murdock is to kill you. That's what I've always wanted not eternal life." Elektra said to Alexandra

Alexandra gasped in horror as she was beginning to lose consciousness. She was dying and that terrified her as her mind started to fade away. Elektra leapt in the air and sliced the gauntlets on Daisy's wrist. She unleashed a kick to the back of Daisy's head but she ducked. Daisy attempted a leg sweep but Elektra jumped in the air over Daisy's leg and hit her with a surge of golden energy. Daisy laid on the ground unconcious and Elektra wrapped her arms around Matt just as he defeated his two opponents.

"I dealt with Alexandra so we could be together. Aida has a plan." Elektra whispered in Matt's ear

Aida appeared in the restaurant and hugged Matt and Elektra teleporting them out of the restaurant. Jessica, Luke and Danny could only stare open mouthed as all of the Hand henchmen lay sprawled on the ground unconcious. They realized Alexandra the Hand's leader lay dead with her eyes colorless and wide open. Colleen attempted to get Daisy back to full consciousness.

"All of you Rebels and Defenders need to exit the restaurant with your hands up or we will test the TIE Defender's weapon system on you." Governor Pryce called out over a loudspeaker

"Perfect. Just perfect." Jessica said bitterly as the group wondered what to do next

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