Jessica Jones is a Hero

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Author's Note

The above video is for comedic purposes only. It has nothing to do with the chapter below.

"Don't say the H word!" Jessica Jones groaned

"Why not? You stopped Kilgrave from doing horrible things to us and to other people. Now you have the chance to do more by working with another Fulcrum. You can save lives." Trish argued

"This new Fulcrum hasn't called back for the past hour. And I'm running real low on whiskey. The new Fulcrum is obviously Imperial and any day their cover could be blown. Which could spell trouble for the entire Rebel Alliance. Which could cost good people their lives." Jessica elaborated

She sighed heavily and took another shot of whiskey. The whiskey bottle was almost empty at this point and it wasn't even noon.

"You could lead a rescue for this person. You have the strength. You saved me from Kilgrave." Trish suggested

"I did that by outsmarting Kilgrave. It had nothing to do with my powers. Thrawn the blue super genius can't be outsmarted. So if Fulcrum doesn't get back to me they are as good as dead." Jessica argued

"You know what you're being way to negative. Here have my green tea it'll help you relax and allow you to concentrate." Trish offered


Jessica took the tea and poured some of her whiskey into it. Trish folded her arms and frowned.

"What? Some people add honey, I add whiskey." Jessica replied casually

Jessica took the sip of tea and smiled. Her relaxed mood was rewarded with a call from Fulcrum.

"Sorry for delaying the time of our next communication. Thrawn sprung a trap on the Rebels. He sent out EXD-9 infiltrator probe droids to the outskirts of multiple cities and towns worldwide. They were discarded prototypes made by Imperial scientist Dr. Cylo."

"Wait a minute. That's the scientist who worked with Dr. Karl Malus and Dr. Koslov. Those two are behind Jessica getting her powers. We haven't found any leads on Dr. Malus's location in over a year. Do you have any information on Dr. Malus?" Trish interrupted

"For galaxy's sake Trish do you have to interject while Fulcrum's explaining something important?" Jessica complained

"Sorry Jess. Continue."

"Well...the Rebels managed to figure out a way around the trap temporarily. They reprogrammed the EXD-9 droid to explode once it's memory was accessed by an external source. The droid destroyed a Star Destroyer. ISD Retribution. That will buy you guys some time but Thrawn locating the Rebel base is inevitable. He's narrowed his search field from over 500 potential locations worldwide. To a mere twenty possible locations along the East Coast. He'll organize search terms to cover these areas. Within three weeks your base will be compromised."

Malcolm Ducasse burst into the room and Jessica groaned.

"Is something wrong?" Fulcrum asked

"Nope just my recently fired assistant. Who has some urgent news so I'll pass along the info you just shared to our mutual friends. Talk to you later." Jessica said

"Malcolm you could have knocked." Trish complained

"This is urgent and if we successfully help this client then I'd like my job back and a raise. Helping this client could be a huge breakthrough for the Rebels." Malcolm proposed

"How about you get your job back without a raise. Then before I hire you back you get me 6 bottles of whiskey and two 12 packs of beer." Jessica replied

"Seriously? You just put whiskey in your tea." Trish pointed out

"It's called pragmatism. Malcolm is presenting me a client that's going to stress me out with whatever they need help with. So might as well plan ahead for the week."

"Understatement of the year. Cause the client is an Imperial scientist named Dr. Leopold Fitz and this mysterious group has kidnapped his daughter Ayla. They want him to build a device that could destroy the city. We need to find Ayla and locate the device. I have a lead. When I was a drug addict working for Kilgrave there was a drug den that was off the grid of Stormtrooper patrols.
We go there and investigate to search for clues."

"Wow...that's a serious case...why do I have the feeling we'll fail to save Ayla and this group will kill her?"

"Jess don't think like that. We have your back. We can do this if we take it one step at a time." Trish suggested

"You of all people don't need to get involved to get a job from me Trish. If you sold your purse it would be more than Malcolm's salary."

Malcolm frowned but Trish argued, "I'm just trying to help."

"At this point we need all the help we can get." Malcolm pointed out

"Fine. Lead the way Malcolm." Jessica said


"Why is it so cold in here? Good thing you always wear a jacket." Malcolm complained

Jessica rolled her eyes and then saw droid parts scattered across the upstairs room. The parts contained circuitry for EXD-9 the same droid type Fulcrum claimed almost blew up the secret Rebel base.

"These are super powerful droids but something or someone turned them into scrap."Malcolm observed

"It's something made Dr. Fitz. Look...self destruct mechanisms were triggered but then stopped and overwritten. I'm going to take a picture and send it to Chopper." Jessica added

"Jessica what are you doing here?" Luke asked

"Luke? Wow its been a while. What's up?"

"Kinda strange question in a place filled with illegal droid parts that have explosives hardwired into them."

"I agree. If you're smart you'll forget what you saw here and not tell anyone." A cloaked figure with a distorted voice said

"Freeze. Hands in the air." Misty said

The masked figure put their hands in the air and snapped their fingers. A series of metal panels stacked in the corner of the room flew off the ground and magnetized themselves to the wall. The droid parts on the ground started beeping.

"Big mistake." The masked figure said

"Jessica quick. Get him out the window!" Luke called out pointing at Malcolm

He ran towards Misty just as Jessica jumped out of the window with Malcolm.

Rebel Defenders: Fighting the Framework (Book 4 MCU/Star Wars Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now