A Puppet built for Chaos

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The next day, Scaramouche was still awake as he didn't need to sleep since he wasn't a human, decided to see things for himself within Night Raid. As Leone was introducing him to the other members, Scaramouche secretly took their Teigus to inspect their condition. Since hes a Teigu himself, he sees the weapons as a sort of sibling. Obviously he knows the leader of Night Raid since hes seen her before but she wasn't aware of his existence. 

Right now he is in the main room with all the Teigu of the assassins in front of him.

???: "Hey!"

A shrieking scream interrupted Scaramouche while he was inspecting Murasame. He grumbles under his breath before looking up at who shouted at him.

Scaramouche: "Is there something you need?"

Mine: "Yea, What are you doing with our Teigus?!"

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Mine: "Yea, What are you doing with our Teigus?!"

Scaramouche: "First of all lower your damn tone, you sound like a dyslexic donkey named gaunter trying to learn a new word."

Mine: "Whats that supposed to mean?!"

Scaramouche: "It means shut the fuck up, I'm inspecting my brethren."

Lubbock: "Whoa whats going on here?"

Mine: "This stranger has our weapons!"

Scaramouche: "You got rocks in your ears or is your brain having trouble translating what I'm saying? Am I speaking a different language, so grab a history book so I can educate your stupid ass on a silver platter."

Lubbock instantly bursts out laughing while Mine is still appalled and shaking in anger. A while later and everyone arrives in the main room with the last being their boss, Najenda.

Najenda: "I see everyone is here, excellent. From what Akame has told me in the report we have a very unexpected guest here. Scaramouche, would you kindly tell us who you truly are?"

Scaramouche: "Hmm...The girl should've already told you who I am and what I am. I'm a organic Teigu, the one thats forgotten throughout history."

Najenda: "How would we be sure that you're really that weapon?"

Scaramouche sighs in annoyance as he tosses up everyone's Teigus, making them all catch it out instinct, then he wags his finger, making the weapons spark with purple electricity and making the assassins drop the weapons.

Scaramouche: "As you can see, I'm able to forcefully sever the bond of a Teigu and their wielder. If you read the books, they used to call me Kunikuzushi, The Country Destroyer. I was the last Teigu to be made by the Empire."

Najenda: "But why are you wondering? Usually an Organic Teigu is dormant until it finds a compatible wielder. So how is it that you were able to wander around for so long?"

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