The Movie Marathon Continues

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"Oh, I love the feeling of my gorgeous wife's breasts against my chest." Moving her body against Jay's chest, Alex smirked due to the fact that she knew that he loved the feeling of her braless chest against his; even if she was wearing a shirt on top of her body, which wasn't going to change. "God, that was so sexy Alex." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that, well aware that was the case; and she'll always know that he loves the feeling of her body against his chest, because she loves the feeling of his gorgeous body underneath her fingers. God, the way his abs feel against hers is always something that is so damn sexy; and she just feels so blessed when she gets a chance to admire her gorgeous husband's body on a daily basis. And she truly believes that it's the reason why Jay is currently shirtless, and just wearing his jogging pants; because he knows that it drives her crazy, and that it makes her so damn happy when he's shirtless like this. And that was something that she was going to show him by kissing his chest and giving him some love.

At the same time, Jay wrapped his arm around Alex's back and just smirked as he kissed the top of her head (while also pausing the movie so that they could concentrate on each other for a moment); after all, that was exactly what they both wanted to do. They wanted to concentrate on each other, and just spend some quality time with each other. Time that they are actually enjoying here at the hospital, even though the circumstances aren't the best (which is something that they both know). Moving her hand to Jay's chest shortly after cuddling up to him some more, Alex smiled as she felt him put his hand on top of hers and just held him close to her. "How are you feeling right now? Are you in pain or anything?" Alex shook her head as Jay asked her whether she was in pain right now, because she was okay; and she didn't feel like she needed it anymore, especially not when it's been a while since she gave birth. The truth of the matter is, all she needs is Jay to make her feel better; and that's exactly what he's doing right now as he held her.

He's making her feel better simply by holding her in his arms, and just kissing the top of her head. And god, was that comfortable; especially when he's also shirtless. Right, she needs to concentrate; and not on that, due to the fact that they are still in the hospital right now. And since that was the case, they just need to take it easy and relax with each other; but that's easier said than done (if you couldn't tell) based on the hormones that she's experiencing, even after she gave birth. And that was something that she was going to share with Jay, how she's feeling hormonal because he's shirtless; not that she wants him to put a shirt on, which he thinks that he should. "I can only imagine what's going on in your head right now, and all the thoughts that are currently going through it when you're looking at me Alex." Looking up at the man of her dreams, Alex smiled as she was really happy to be in bed with Jay right now. I have no idea whatsoever what you're talking about Mr. Halstead." Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that, before bending down.

Kissing her softly, Jay smiled as he took things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams, which is exactly what Alex wants him to do right now. She wants him to kiss her, and she wants him to take things nice and slow with her for a moment; ahead of them getting back to their movie marathon (because that was something that she was determined to continue). If Jay thought that them sharing a kiss was going to change her mind when it came to them finishing the movie marathon that they started, then he was mistaken. "I hope you know that this doesn't mean that we're done with the movie marathon, because I fully intend to continue it." Jay laughed as he heard Alex say that, before bending down and kissing her once again. "Seriously? You can't give me a break from it?" Alex just looked at her loving husband as she heard him say that, not too impressed when it came to that. "Did you really just say that?" That was when Jay and Alex both heard somebody walk into their hospital room. "Jay, what did you do?"

Turning their heads, Jay, and Alex both smiled as they saw Natalie walk into their hospital room. "Oh, he didn't do anything Natalie; he's just complaining that we're watching the Hallmark Channel." Jay looked down at Alex as she said that, as that definitely wasn't the case. "Okay, that was not what I was doing; I was just asking if we could take a breath from the marathon, so that you could get some rest." That was when both Alex and Natalie looked at Jay, because they both knew that was a lie. "Now, if that isn't the biggest lie that I've heard in a while." Alex agreed with Natalie as she said that, as that most definitely was exactly what she was thinking about right now; how her husband just lied to her when it came to the fact that he was okay with watching the Hallmark Channel, which he actually was. "Hey, if watching the Hallmark Channel gets me some cuddles from my wife; then I am more than okay with it, especially since it also gives me a chance to leave some soft kisses on her forehead. Which is something we both know you want Alex."

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora