Looking back

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Laying in bed all I could think of was my past with Dominik.


I was chilling in the parking lot vaping as usual hiding from my brother. He hated that I was addicted to weed but I just stopped caring because I felt so good. I hear a door open and then Colby's voice.

"Arabella where the hell are you?" I quickly hid my vape and walk over to him. "Are you seriously trying to hid that your out here vaping?" He said grabbing my wrist.

"Hey you didn't want me doing it in there so I came out here." I defended myself walking inside the arena. I had been in here multiple times since I traveled with him when I was on break from school. We continued talking and laughing as we walked around the back of the arena.

I heard a voice and I looked over.

"Oh my goodness Colby. Its Rey Mysterio!" I said slapping his shoulder. He must have heard his name because he looked over and walked towards us. I was internally panicking but I was good at hiding it so I was fine.

"Hey I heard my name?" I crumbled. Like I didn't know what was happening so all I did was blink and smile. He then stuck his hand for me to shake, "You know my name, so may I know yours?" REY MYSTERIO WAS TALKING TO ME!!!!!!

"Oh yea, I apologize. My name is Arabella but everyone calls me Bella so whichever you prefer." I say talking a bit too fast. My brother laughs and I nudge him. I  look up to see a guy who had to be close to my age walking over. I smile at him because I'm nice and my idol was standing in front of me.

"Hey dad sorry I hope I'm not interrupting." He says smiling and looking at all of us. Rey then introduced us and after talking to everyone for a bit, we say our goodbyes. After a while I got bored so I went to go outside. I pulled out my phone and called my best friend Eden. She answered almost immediately as I pulled out my vape.  

We talked for a little bit as I continued to get high when I heard a voice. I quickly put my vape away as I turn around. I see Dominik, Rey's son. I tell Eden that I had to go so I hung up.

"You vape?" Was all he asked. I was heavily addicted and I knew it was bad, but it made me feel so good and calmed my anxiety. 

"Um yea, for a while now I guess." I say letting out a tiny laugh as I look down kicking a rock. Fuck now he's gonna tell his dad and my idol will know I vape. 

"It's ok I don't mind that you do. Of course I wouldn't want you to but that's your decision, not mine" Damn he was sweet. We chatted for a bit before we went back inside to go take our seats in the arena. We got our seats changed so we sat next to each other because I was alone. We had so much fun that night and we exchanged numbers so we could keep in contact.

*End of flashback*

I smiled remembering that night. I remember exactly what happened that day just like it was yesterday. But it was 9 years ago.

*Another flashback*

I've been friends with Dominik for a year now, talking all the time. My softball team was traveling to San Diego for a game so he said him and his family would come. It was the night of the game and I was super nervous to see Dominik and his family for the first time in a year but I was excited. I was at the field putting my cleats when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey stranger." He said smiling. I look up to see Dominik and his chocolate brown eyes smiling down on me.

"Dominik!" I say jumping up to hug him. He laughed as he wrapped his arms around my waist swaying us both. He smelled amazing and I completely forgot we were in public. I let go and finish getting ready as he went to his seat. Eden walked over and we did our normal pre game ritual. We headed to the field and I was first to bat.

Love Made Me Crazy :||: Dominik MysterioOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant