My love

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Its Monday again which means another night of raw and more drama. I have a fight against Rhea tonight which would be fun but kinda concerning to say the least. She is such a good fighter and she has her tactics to win. And on top of that she has tjd on her side to help her through the matches. I finished getting ready then helped dom with his makeup and hair. We did a slickback then i put lipstick on and kissed his cheek leaving a kiss mark. The storyline between us was going to require kind of a toxic relationship from us. Dominik got changed and walked on over to the gorilla. I kissed him again and let him go off. Damian, Finn, and Rhea all walked out with him once his music blasted. His opponent walked out and the match started.

Dominik had the lead on the match when I told tech to play my music.

"ooooh she mine, ooo girl bump and grind, ooo she mine, ooo girl bump a line."

I walked slowly making sure never to break eye contact with Dominik. He never lost the upper hand though. He set his opponent up did a little shimmey then hit him with a 619. It was good but his dad just did it way better. A few minutes later he hit him with a DTD and then a frog splash hearing the ding put a smile on my face but I had to wipe it to stay in character. I grabbed 2 mics, one for me, and one for Dominik.

"Good job Dom. Really blew my heart away with that little shimmey." I said sarcastically with a smirk on my lips. "And that 619 was just so fabulous you reminded me so much of your father. Remember when you guys would do the double 619 and the arena would cheer? Do you hear these people cheer when you do it?" I could see the anger in Dominiks face.

"I don't care about these pathetic people who don't know the truth about my father." Rhea gave a devilish smile and stepped infront standing in between Dominik and I.

"He doesnt want you anymore he wants me just accept it." Rhea said and turned around. I found my way back to Dominiks eyes and just stared at him. Their music started playing as I rolled out of the ring holding back tears.

I walked to backstage where I was met by Kelley and her little camera crew. 

"Arabella, is this the end of you and Dominik?" Hearing that made me get even more frusterated and I didnt hold myself back.

"Dominik can have her but I see the way he stares into her eyes and there is no love but when he stares at me all I see is love. So let him find out the hard way. But when he has to drag Rhea out of the ring after I destroy her then he can choose who he loves." I walked away and went into my locker room. I had to be out again in like 10 minutes so I just relaxed and fixed my make-up.

At the gorilla tjd walked over and started to get ready to walk out. Dominik came over and grabbed my waist but I pushed him back. It was nothing personal I just had to stay mad for the fight. Rhea walks out with her little minions behind her as she does her entrance. I then walk out and do my entrance and walk right by dominik staring into his eyes bumping shoulders as I walk around the ring. I roll in and show off my title before handing it off. Then the bell rings and I attack ripley almost imediatly. I throw her to the ground and attack her with kicks. I kept the upper hand but when I was about to my finisher I look to see pictures of Dominik and I on the screen. I let go of Ripley and then look at Dominik who had the biggest smirk on his face. Rhea then flips me and wins by pinfall. I felt like my heart had just dropped. Dominik then comes on stage and says he would chose Rhea over me any day of the week. I grab my title and walk off stage then running to my locker room. I had tears in my eyes but I didnt understand why. It wasn't real. He didn't mean it. It was all for the storyline.

Tjd knocked on my door and I let them in. They all talked and laughed then asked if I wanted to go get food with them.

"Not tonight, I just wanna go to bed but Dom go have fun." I grabbed my stuff and was about to walk out when Dominik turned me around and placed a kiss on my lips. Everyone started fake barfing and I just said bye blowing a kiss at Rhea.

---Time skip---

It was around 2 when I heard someone come inside the room. I saw Dominik drunk out of his mind. I go over and grab him before he could leave again and help him get changed. I helped him get into bed and he kisses me before passing out. I slept on the couch so he could roll around all he wanted.

The next morning I slept late because our flight home wasnt till 3 anyway. At around 11 I hear Dominik groan and I go over to see him holding his head squinting his eyes. "Good morning sleepy." I whisper knowing how much of a headache he must have while handing him a orange juice and some breakfast. He lays there for a couple more minutes before starting to eat. While he eats I take a shower to start getting ready. I blowdry my hair, brush my teeth, put on grey sweats and a judgement day shirt, straighten my hair, then put on some make-up. While Dominik did what he needed to do I grabbed our bags and brought them to the door, triple checking I didnt leave anything behind. Dominik finally was ready and I threw on a pair of airforces and walked out the door.

On the flight Dominik falls asleep again and so do I. We land, grab our stuff, and head over to my car. I was very blessed to have the life I have. We go get tyler and take her home. We grabbed taco truck on the way home and ate at home. I get Tyler a bath ready and have her pick her pajamas. Once she was all done she brushes her teeth, says goodnight, Dom reads her a bedtime story, and then she falls asleep. I feel bad that she only gets to see us 6 days a week but she didnt seem to mind. I get a call from Becky and I answer it.

"Hey Becky" I could tell I sounded tired.

"Hey Colby and I watched the show last night and I wanted to make sure you are ok." I laughed and told her im fine and I just hate to loose. She laughes and I say goodnight telling her to give Colby a hug and her baby a kiss for me.

The next morning

I woke up at around 7 to get Tyler ready for school and then drove her. I got an energy drink for me and dom at the store and drove home floppy back onto the bed. I passed out till around 2 when I had to get ready to pick Tyler up when I saw Dominik wasn't home. He left a note saying "Dont worry mi amor im going to pick up Tyler today, you just relax." Relaxing sounded so good but I needed to train. I showered and threw on a sports bra, leggings, and blazers heading to the gym. When I got there I started a warm up, then some running, weights, and then just some regular exercises.

I went home to see Dom and Tyty watching TV on the couch. Ty loved to watch her dad fight so he would replay his fights for her. Then she watched me and Rheas little moment of yelling after the fight and she asked why we arent on the same team to which I explained that its not us fighting and we are just following a storyline. I walk to the kitchen to prepare dinner when there was a knock at the door. I go to answer and see our nanny.

"Oh Allie, hi! I didn't know today was payday, give me a second you can come on in." I close the door behind her and then Dominik comes over.

"Allie! Thanks for coming on such short notice." I obviously look confused and just blink. "Go upstairs mi amor, theres a surprise." I go upstairs and see such a gorgeous dress laying on the bed surrounded by roses. Dominik comes upstairs and stands at the doorway, I ran over to him and jumped into his arms. He wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck. I love getting new dresses so I was in heaven. After 8 years Dominik still manages to make me love him more everyday. I pull back and give him a kiss then jump down and he tells me that he made reservations for us to go on an actual date for the first time in forever.

Once we are all finished getting ready I go downstairs to see Dominik playing with Tyler and Allie finishing up making dinner. I thank her and give her a hug. We walk out of the house and drive to the restaurant. I had a huge smile on my face the entire dinner and on the drive home. Once we get home its around 12 am. Dominik helps me out of the car and we walk back inside. Allie is asleep on the couch so we weren't going to force her to leave. Dominik grabs a blanket and puts it over her and we go upstairs. I change and wash my face making sure to get rid of the makeup. I then brush my teeth and hair and flop onto bed. Dominik gives me a kiss and I wrap my leg over him falling asleep.

A/N: Wsp loves um sorry its taking me a while to update. I'm very busy and forget a lot. Ill try and like 2 or 3 out this weekend idk tho. But stay safe, drink water, eat some food, and don't die.

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