12.Kicking Ass?!..

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"Bonjor Belle(Hello beautiful)" the man said..I turned around..

"Hi.." I said..

"You are really beautiful..want to get to know me?" He said..trying to flirt with me..

I don't have time for this..

"Honestly..No" I said..turning away..

He held my arm..

"Why?" He said..and then I could feel the stench of Alcohol from him..

Oh come on..

This is the last thing..I need to deal with right now..

"Do you have any idea how I can get to the VVIP..if not..kindly let me go" I said sternly..

"Ohh..you need a pass to get in there" he said..

Okay..this is getting really annoying..

"Actually..thanks for the new info..now..can you let me go" I said..

"Just come with me Belle..let have a good time" he said trying to drag me with him..

"Let go of me..Dude" I said sternly..drawing attention..

"Just come..it will be enjoyable" he said with a perverted grin..

Oh God..

"You are harassing me right now..let me go" I said again rasing my voice.. drawing attention more attention

"Let just go.." He said again..

"You think I'm just gonna follow you and let you touch me anyhow..I'm an independent and strong woman..so get you filthy hands off me..or I'm gonna do what I'm gonna regret" I threatened..

The crowd attention is now fixated on us..like everyone in the room..

I fucking hate this..

I can't take this anymore..

"Baby...." He trailed off and groaned in pain..

Because I kneed him in his groin..

The crowd start to Appluse..

"You go girl" someone said I the crowd..

I smiled to myself..then the security came..

The man wasn't able to verify himself..it turned out..he is a criminal..and wasn't suppose to be here..

The crowd was still clapping for me..

"Thank you" I said..

I looked around and I saw Adonis leaving with a man..

I just sighed..and headed to the bar..

The people beside me smiled at me..I smiled back..

I honestly don't know..how to get this pass..the show is gonna start soon..

I tried mingling..to get the pass..but instead I learned more about French foods..

Should I just give up?..

I mean its not my problem..

Then a man walked up to me..he looked like a bodyguard..

"Hello there lady" he said..

"Hi.." I said..

"The owner of this place..Mr Fernando will like to commend you for what you did" he said..

Adonis Machavelli?!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin