Chapter 5 - School

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I heaved my backpack onto my shoulders, turning around in circles in front of a full length mirror. My skirt was way too short. I tugged at the miniskirt, trying to make it look longer. It bounced back up. No use. My hair was a mess again. I dragged my fingers through it and raced out of the door.

The school was big and majestic. Trees swayed slowly as the wind blew gently at their leaves. Students chattered around me. Puddles from the rain rippled as I stepped into them.

Ring Ding Ding!
Students raced pass me, running at full speed towards the classroom. Soon, the school was quiet and distant sounds of teachers talking was heard. I scanned my surroundings and walked in a spontaneous direction.

A tall shadow brushed past me. "First day?" a voice rumbled behind me. "Huh-?" I whipped around. No one was there. I felt a gentle tap on my arm. A boy around my age stood there next to me, towering over me. "You are...?"
"You don't remember me?" the boy replied, looking obviously disappointed. "Nevermind then...I'll take you to the office.

Baffled by this mysterious boy, I frowned, trying recall anything, any memories related to him. Nothing. I don't remember him at all. I stared up at his back and noticed his glances at me, almost as if he was fascinated at the sight of me. Who is he?

The teacher sat at the front of the classroom, watching me with a disapproving look. My new classmates couldn't care less that there was a new student. They watched me with blank faces, showing no sign of wanting to be friendly. I knew there was no hope of making new friends here. The only one who seems willing to talk to me was the strange boy from before, whose name was revealed to be Taehyung.

I sat down on a chair next to the window. Taehyung dumped his bag on the table next to me. I smiled at him. "Thanks for being my friend." He chuckled and rested his head on the table. Students doodled on their books, played on their mobile phones under the desk and others slept.I turned around. The back row of chairs were empty. Graffitti covered the desks and the edges were all dented. I shrugged my shoulders and faced the front.

- Lunchtime -
"You will remember one day..." he replied hastily, avoiding eye contact.
Frustrated by his stubborn will, I whinged, "Remember what? Why can't you just tell me? Can't you just-"
The door slammed loudly and an annoyed looking boy strolled into the classroom, yawning in the most exaggerated way. Two of his friends followed him into the room, laughing at a joke, pushing away the tables violently. Wary students immediately got up and scurried out of the room.
"Who are they?" I whispered to Taehyung, giving him a nudge.
"The school's gang. They beat up anyone who displease them so it's best that you stay out of their way." he replied calmly, eyes following the gang.

I focused on the leader's face. Those familiar looking dimples... Suddenly, realisation hit me. I know who he is. My head felt faint.

He slammed his backpack onto the desk. He kicked at the chair and flopped onto the chair. Sucking on a lollipop, he placed his feet on the desk. His friends sat down on the desks beside him, yelling rude insults at the girls who were huddled together in the corner of the room.

Disgust and resentment washed over me. Glaring in the most ferocious way possible, I waited for him to notice me.

Taehyung watched me closely, assessing my facial expressions. He opened his mouth, ready to talk. I placed my finger on his mouth, shushing him. He grabbed my fingers and pushed them away. "What are you-" The yawning boy looked towards me and froze. Shock struck his face. He lifted his feet up and dropped it onto the ground. His eyes never left me. Cautiously, he marched towards me and paused, "Long time no see...Lee Minhee..."

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