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We both sat on our assigned dinning table along with Mr. Singhania on our opposite .

Great more time to show me and Shruti were actually serious with each other .

"Let's keep talking to each other loud enough for only us to hear and keep smiling",I whisper to her and she nods .

The dinner was yet to be served so everyone were talking to each other while we all waited for food .

"Do you have more fun stories?",Shruti asks me .

"Oh yes I do",I say .

"Tell me one it was actually fun to hear your previous story",she says which makes me genuingly smile .

"I don't know if Ankit or Dev ever told this story to you or not but I am sure they didn't because it was embarassing for both of them",I start to tell her .

"So I think it was in 9th grade and it was long break going on and the boys of our class just like everyday were playing football with a small ball. There was this competition going on everyday between all the sections . One day while playing I accidently bumped into Dev and before the match we both had gotten into a fight already and that bumping seemed like I purpously did it",I say and Shruti was listening to me very attentively .

"Dev picked up a fight with me again and we both started beating each other you . So to stop our fight Ankit came in between us . But poor him he got hit by both of us in process which led him to stumble on the ground . And before he fell his pant got stuck in a branch of a plant as we were fighting near where their were many types of plants",I continued .

"And then Ankit fell into the plants with his pant getting riped off",I finish telling her .

Shruti laughs behind my shoulder and only I could hear her laugh .

"That was Hilarious . I imagined it and oh god Dev",she says laughing more .

"There is more",I say .

She now faces me as she wipes her tears .

"More? Tell me",she says .

"Me and Dev both laughed at him with the other boys so Ankit got mad and pulled both of us and I was lucky enough my pant didn't got stuck in something but Dev's did just like Ankit and his pant ripped too",I tell her .

"They both had to go to the maid aunty with there hands on the back of their bump as the pant got ripped apart from behind",I say and she laughs more .

"God I need to tell this to Shivani and Aarya this is hilarious and imagining it is more hilarious",she says wiping off her tears again .

I smile seeing her laugh .

"Ahh I see you two are having fun",Mr.Singhania says taking both of our attention .

He was smiling looking at us .

Damnnn I think our plan succeded . I think he believes now that me and Shruti are really dating .

Me and Shruti were about to say something but Mr.Singhania stopped us .

"Just continue doing whatever you both were doing . Seeing you both makes me happy reminds me off my days with my wife",he says smiling at the memory off his wife who sadly had passed away 10 years ago .

OUR SECRET(old version) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt