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"Ma what type of hair style I should do?",I ask her when Ma is done helping me wear the saree .

"You can do a bun look also and you can also keep your hair down",she says scanning me .

"And makeup ? Light or medium or dark?",I ask .

"Don't do a dark makeup light or medium will do",she says .

"Why isn't their any other female in this house than both of us we need a third opinion",Ma says and I agree with her .

"Hmm should I call Kiara and ask her?",I suggest .

"Why need to call her when I can give you an opinion",Aryan comes to the room eating an apple .

"Tu kya hi mujhe makeup or hairstyle ke upar opinion denga?",I ask him .
[What opinion can you give about hairstyle and makeup to me?]

"Aare Di trust me",he says and looks at my saree and then my face .

"Hmm keep your hair down then we will see about",he says .

Looking at him he looks quite serious about it .

"Are you sure?",he asks .

"Oh di I am sure just start with your hair na",he says .

Ma helps me with my hairstyles too .

My Ma being a professional makeup and hair artist is a plus point for me . She helps me with my hair and makeup everytime their is a function .

Minutes later she was done with my hairstyle . It was basic one but it was going really well with this saree .

"See you look good in that one",Aryan says grinning .

"Now you only tell me about makeup",Ma says to Aryan .

"Can I do her makeup?",Aryan asks and me and Ma look at him giving him a 'Are you serious look?'

"Why are you both looking at me like that?",he asks .

We don't say anything and we just keep looking at him .

"You know how to do makeup?",I ask .

"Yup I do",he says and comes towards us .

Picking up mositurizing cream he starts to apply on my face just like Ma does . Ma goes and sits on the bed watching Aryan .

Half and hour later Aryan was done with the makeup .

"Are you kidding me when did you learn to do makeup?",I ask him excited when I see my final look .

"Just by watching Ma do others makeup . You see whenever in our childhood Ma used to go for makeup hairstyle orders in I used to also accompany her too I learned by watching her and also practised on my female friends",he says .

"Once in a while you should accompany to help me with my orders if you are free",Ma offers him .

"I would be happy too",Aryan says .

OUR SECRET(old version) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें