Mayella was sweet to share one of her sweets with Dal and the other she gave her father who had now moved to talk to Lora.

"Louis has just called," Leila whispered once she came to my side. I rolled my eyes as I let her continue. "I need to get back to work." She glanced on my right where I knew Grey was standing.

"It's fine, I shall go with Lora." I didn't want to ask if Louis had called her in about work because she usually dodged the topic. She hugged me goodbye and sprinted off.

"I forgot to ask if you were okay." I went to stand beside Grey who had been watching Mayella and Dalton run around him as they chased each other.

"From work," I had forgotten to check if he was hurt in any way. Yesterday I had been so distracted that I even forgot that he'd been away in the first place.

"I'm fine," he replied though my eyes squinted just the slightest. I usually did that when I thought someone wasn't telling the whole truth and surprisingly it worked on Grey.

"Just a scratch." He added and my face dropped in a frown. So he really had gotten hurt! I worriedly looked at him as I moved to stand in front of him.

"Where?" I didn't know how small a scratch was to him. I looked all over his face and body not finding any visible wound. He could have been quiet the whole time when he was in deep pain.

"It's nothing," he tried shaking me off but I was adamant on knowing where he was injured. He gave in after my pointed glare and pointed at his left arm.

I was just about to examine his arm but Lora returned to us before I could do so. Apparently Mr Williams was supposed to report to a meeting this afternoon so he had to leave.

Dalton and Mayella had promised to visit each other over the short break of which their parents nodded in agreement. Mr Williams wasn't so against the idea as he previously was.

"Ginelle," Grey called just as I was about to leave with Lora and Dalton. Mr Williams stopped to look at us and I suppose he was waiting for Grey.

"Can we hangout?" He didn't seem to mind that we had company. I was still getting used to him, glad that he was speaking longer though still quiet with others.

"Right now?" He nodded just as I said the words and I laughed softly though he looked confused. Perhaps as to why I was laughing. He was so enthusiastic for this that it reminded me of a puppy.

"Sure, I have to tell-" he cut me off telling me that they were gone and just as I turned my back, none of them were there. Even Mr Williams seemed to have left.

"I didn't bring my car with me," Grey spoke as if he had suddenly remembered. "Will you be okay? Are your legs fine?" He tried looking down though I was in closed shoes today.

I assured him that I was okay though he suggested with a straight face that I would let him carry me if I got too tired. How was I even going to manipulate an injured man. I hadn't seen his injury yet but right now I chose to trust his judgement.

Since it was past noon, we decided to have lunch together. There a famous place nearby that Leila had brought me a few months ago and I decided to revisit the area today. It was famous for its fries and chicken.

Grey had agreed after I had asked if it was okay. Perhaps he was allergic to chicken but that would really surprise me. I had never met someone who never ate meat due to side effects.

We took a bus together to the small town ahead since he had insisted. It was really a walking distance though. A couple of people had stared at us when we sat down together.

Maybe because I looked like a baby next to him.

The restaurant was not crowded when we walked in thus we got our seats easily. Grey asked me to order for him and I joyfully asked for what I'd be having.

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