The end

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When we got to Cameron's house she told him what happened but she didn't actually say what happened she said I raped her. Cameron threw a punch and I did the natural thing and dodged it but he still got me after like a thirty minute fist fight he pushed me into his bank vault that he had which was empty and locked me in there. I was trapped I could do nothing except wait after 20 minutes the door opened to Cameron and he told me to leave. I left his house and called Madison and said "Why would you do this it was you and me and it was right and you know it" she said "No it wasn't.". To get my mind straight I headed to a bar and sat there and drink wine instead of whiskey and after 6 hours I realized what I had done. But for some reason I still wanted Cameron dead he never did anything for this crew there was no point in him being here. I told him that I needed his help with something at the oil fields he hesitatently said yes. When we got there he said "this is where your gonna do it" "better place then ever" he handed me his gun and said that no one needs to die. I said "that's where your wrong like your wrong about everything you don't even help this crew we would be better without you." He said "so you screw my wife and Nicks wife and you want me out of the crew". I said I. Sorry and went to shoot him but the gun jammed and he stabbed me in the chest three times. I lay there for forty five minutes and it was over.

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