Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Sleep On The Floor

The next day, Steve and Eddie packed their bags and got into the car, Steve leaving a note that his company was to be sold, as well as his apartment and fish. They drove out of the city, singing to the radio and laughing for the first time in a while. They drove out of the city, with no set destination. They slept at a motel that night, then got back on the road the next morning. They felt a sort of relief once they were clear of the city, and a little excitement as they travelled.

They made it about 137 miles before their little dream of escaping was demolished. They were driving across a bridge when Steve heard the sound of sirens. He told Eddie to hold on and pressed his foot to the floor, speeding as fast as he could. He was going so fast he almost hit the police car that had cut him off at the other end of the bridge. "Shit!" he frantically swerved and Eddie screamed as they raced away from the cops chasing them. "I can't believe we're in a cop chase right now!" Eddie was hyperventilating as Steve took a sharp left. "I know right?! I've always dreamed of this day!" Steve whooped with joy as he drove through an intersection and narrowly missed being wiped out by a transport truck. The cops weren't so lucky, and had to stop as the truck went by. But by then, the two had already rounded another corner and disappeared. Steve was laughing and cheering as they slowed down on a country road. Eddie was shaking, gripping his seat for dear life, but he couldn't help but laugh too. "I think we lost them, but we've got to get going." Steve sped up again as they drove past fields of crops and livestock, and the occasional farm house. "So we're fugitives now?" Eddie asked. "Yup. Definitely."

 They stopped for gas, and Eddie grabbed some Cheetos and brought them up to the cash register. He looked up at the little TV, and saw his face beside Steve's. "If you see them, please contact your local police and do not make contact, they are highly dangerous." the news reporter warned. Eddie started laughing, and the cashier, a middle aged man with a receding hairline and a tiny moustache, gave him a funny look. He looked up at the TV too, and his eyes widened. "Hey!" but it was too late. Eddie had grabbed the chips and sprinted out of the store. "We've got to go!" Eddie got into the car, and Steve quickly took the gas pump out of the car and closed the tank, hopping in and driving out of the parking lot as the cashier yelled at them from the door of the store. "What did you do?!" "We're on the news. I also stole these." He showed Steve the Cheetos, and he rolled his eyes.

"Why are they after us?" Eddie asked absent-mindedly, chewing a chip as they drove through a small town neither of them knew the name of. "I'm not sure, but they really don't like us." Steve chuckled, resting one hand on the wheel and hung the other out the window.

They drove for two more days with no problems, hoping to get as far away as they could. One day, they stopped at a shopping outlet, and Eddie found a music store. "Steve, look!" in the window of the shop was a guitar very similar to his from before he died, and Steve sighed. "How much is it?" He pulled out his wallet. "350." "All I've got is 325, if you can bargain, you can have it. It's all the money I've got left." "Thank you!" Eddie hugged Steve tightly, grinning. Eddie grabbed the money and ran into the store, and came out 10 minutes later with the brand-new guitar and a permanent grin on his face. "Are you ready to get going?" "Yup." They got back in the car and drove for a while more, booking into another hotel at around 7, using the last of Eddie's money to buy the room and takeout Chinese food. They ate their dinner sitting on the floor, and then took turns puking it up later. The joys of being dead and all. After that, Steve took a shower, and when he walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel around his waist, Eddie was laying on the bed tuning his new guitar, and he whistled as he studied Steve's bare chest, torso and V-line. "I forgot how gorgeous you are, pretty boy." he smirked, making Steve blush. "You're not so bad yourself." he grinned. Eddie was wearing black ripped jeans and a Metallica crop-top, with his hair up in a messy bun and a little bit of eyeliner on. He was stretched out on the bed, guitar in his lap and a bottle of beer in his hand. Steve went over to his suitcase and pulled out some sweatpants and quickly pulled them on, aware that Eddie was watching him dress. He didn't mind.

He walked over and climbed onto the bed, laying beside his lover. Eddie put his guitar down beside his own suitcase and put his beer on the nightstand. "I love you." Eddie whispered, kissing Steve. He kissed him back, slowly straddling him. "You look so nice in that shirt." He whispered, kissing up and down Eddie's throat and collar bones. And then they spent the night doing something only lovers do.

sry for the short and rushed chapter. Btw, I'm currently grounded from my phone and posting this from a school computer, so I probably won't update for a while lol. have a good day :0

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