Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Free Fallin'
⚠️this chapter contains heavy themes like torture and sexual assault⚠️

~three month timeskip~

Steve let out a grunt as he took another hard punch to the face. He spat out blood, glaring up at the guard who was in the midst of beating him for fun. This was how it always was. If you didn't move at the exact time or the exact way they wanted you to, they would beat you to a pulp just to see you bleed. "Are you done yet? I have to go pee." Steve hissed, a hint of sass in his voice. The guard didn't like this, and grabbed Steve's hair and yanked his head up, punching him under the jaw. Steve barely even felt it now, and simply groaned. Eventually he got bored, and untied Steve and dragged him back to his cell, throwing him and his shirt on the ground, shutting the door. Steve winced as he pulled the shirt over his probably permanently broken ribs.

Eddie wasn't there, so he assumed he was also being tortured too. But His torture was much worse then what Steve had ever experienced, and it broke Steve's heart to comfort him each night. You see, the guards never beat up Eddie. No, he was too pretty for that. Instead, they would strip him and tie him to a table, and then they would take turns having their way with him. In Steve's opinion, this was the worst kind of torture.

A few hours later, Eddie was returned to their cell, naked as always. They threw his clothes into the dirt and left them, Eddie curling into a ball and sobbing quietly. Steve crawled to him, wincing as his movements sent pain throughout his body. He pulled Eddie into his arms, cooing to him and petting his hair softly. "It's ok, I've got you." Even though these words no longer reassured the long-haired boy, he still found comfort in his lover's arms and soft words. "Why don't we get you dressed, ok?" Eddie nodded, and Steve helped him put his clothes back on, and Eddie frowned when he saw the dried blood all over Steve's face, and the purple welts and bruises all over his face and his neck, disappearing under his shirt. "Oh Stevie... I'm so sorry." He whispered, taking some water from the glass he hadn't drunk yet and washing the blood from his lover's face, whispering sweet nothings to him. Once he was cleaned up, Steve did feel a little better, and even smiled a little when Eddie made a joke, even though it hurt his face. They huddled together in the corner of the cell like they did every night, slowly drifting into an uneasy sleep leaning against each other.

The next morning, they were awoken by a guard opening the door. Steve expected to be dragged out and tortured like usual, but instead he grabbed them both and led them down a dark hallway. They went through a door, and they were in what looked like some sort of storage closet. "Go, before they find you." The guard pointed at a little trap door on the floor in the corner of the room. His voice sounded familiar, but he brushed it off. "Are you helping us escape?" Eddie looked shocked. "Yes, now go before I regret it!" Steve jumped at his raised voice, and the guard sighed. He was wearing a helmet that covered his face. But Steve was absolutely sure he was giving him a look of pity. "Wait at the train station, I'll meet you there." And then he left, shutting the door behind him. Both boys stood in momentary shock, unsure what to do. Without a word, a silent agreement passed between them, and Steve kneeled down and opened the trap door. He peeked down, squinting. There was a ladder, but it was too dark to see where it went. "Ladies first?" Steve joked, and Eddie blushed. "Who turned you into such a gentleman?" "I'm not sure, maybe it's your handsome face." He whispered seductively, and Eddie blushed even worse. He quickly climbed down the ladder, and after a few minutes he hit the ground. "It's a tunnel!" He called up. Steve went down after him, shutting the door behind him.

It was dark at the bottom, and it took a minute for their eyes to adjust. "I guess we walk." Eddie shrugged. So they walked. They walked and walked, for what seemed like an eternity. It didn't take long for Steve's bruised and broken body to start aching, and they had to stop for frequent breaks. By the time they reached the end of the tunnel they were tired and thirsty, with blisters on their feet and pounding headaches, but at least they weren't getting beat up or raped. That was the thought that kept them going as they climbed up another ladder and were hit with a gust of warm air. The tunnel ended in the ditch of a dirt road. They stood on the road and looked behind them, where the road disappeared back into the woods. And in front of them, the road went for a few miles, before dipping down a hill, and they couldn't see what was at the bottom. "I think we're free..." Steve whispered quietly. "Not yet. They'll come looking for us. We've got to get moving." He sighed, intertwining their hands as they began to walk along the side of the road.

They walked for a long time, stopping every once and a while to rest and drink from the clear stream that ran along the side of the road. Soon they lost track of the days as they gained strength and confidence with each step. The road took a sharp left, and then led them through a beautiful pine forest. When they finally broke free of the trees, they were in a small valley, occupied by a small but bustling village. They walked into the village, and the people were quite friendly, tipping their hats and smiling as they smiled and looked at all the vendors and markets. "The guard said to meet at the train station." Eddie reminded his boyfriend. "Excuse me, do you know where the train station is?" Steve walked a civilian who was herding a group of goats through the street. "That way, take a right at the fork." "Thank you." The stable hand tipped his hat and moved on, and the two boys followed the road back out of town. They went right at the fork as they were told, and pretty soon found themselves on a large platform beside the train tracks. "I think this is it." Eddie sat on a bench. Steve east beside him, grateful that his bones didn't ache as much when he moved as they used to. "I guess we'll wait then?" "Ya, I guess." They sat and chatted for a while, getting a little anxious that the man who had freed them was not coming. When the sun set, they huddled together and fell asleep as they used to when they were imprisoned, leaning against each other with their arms wrapped around the other.

They were woken the next morning by someone clearing their throat, and Eddie startled awake. It was the guard, still wearing his mask, standing over them. There was a familiar way he stood awkwardly, and Eddie furrowed his brow. "Time to go baby." He shook Steve, and they followed the guard to the ticket booth. "Two tickets upstairs." He whispered to the lady at the booth. She nodded, and handed him the two tickets. "The train arrives at 10, so it won't be long now." He assured the pair. "You seem familiar, what's your name?" Steve asked. "I..." he hesitated. Finally, he sighed, taking his helmet off. Both boys gasped, instantly engulfing Billy in a bear hug. The curly-haired boy relaxed into their embrace, a tear of relief trailing down his cheek. "How are you alive?!" They pulled away. "I'm not." He whispered, his eyes flashing red for a second before fading back to his normal bright blue. "Not really. Not anymore." He sighed. "After I died in the fire, I was offered a position... as a demon." He explained. Eddie and Steve were both silent, processing the return of their lost lover. "It's been so long..." Eddie whispered, swallowing. "I'm so sorry you had to stay in that hellhole for so long." The demon apologized, cupping Eddie's face and kissing him softly. "It's ok, you're coming with us, right?" "I- I can't, I'm a demon Eds, I don't belong up there with you two." "No... we just got you back, we can't lose you..." Steve whispered, and Billy let go of Eddie to hug him. "I'll come visit you, I promise." He hugged them both tightly as the train pulled into the station. "Goodbye my darling." He pecked Eddie lightly on the forehead, then he went over and tucked a strand of hair behind Steve's year and held his chin. "Take care of him, ok? I love you Steve." He kissed him lightly on the lips, and then he stepped away. He waved to them as they boarded the train, all of them crying. "Goodbye." He whispered as the train pulled away from the station.

As soon as it rounded the corner, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Billy Hargrove, you're under arrest for freeing prisoners and encouraging a riot." He heard a familiar voice say from the shadows. "I know." He held out his hands as the demon who was still in the form of Argyle put cuffs on his wrists. "The boss will decide what becomes of you, and the two prisoners are under the charge of the other guy now. Let's go." They walked through a portal, and Billy was smiling, knowing that even if he was imprisoned for the rest of his eternity, at least Eddie and Steve were free.

Sry this chapter is kind of rushed. Have a good day :)

Heaven Is A Place On Earth [StevexEddiexBilly]✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang