Chapter Twelve ㅡ "Mr. Kim, Mrs. Kim must have some misunderstanding."

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Jisoo laughed dryly and broke the silence by saying, "You may refuse. I will find the solution anyway." Taehyung stared at Jisoo in silence.

Jisoo said so out of habit though Taehyung hadn't said anything yet. "You must be busy. See you." Taehyung remained silent.

Jisoo tidied up the desk. Then, she pulled open the door of the office. At the door, Jisoo bumped into Jungkook.

Jisoo let out a low cry. In pain, she covered her nose with both hands and raised her head. One couldn't avoid his enemies! Jisoo ran into Taehyung's lover!

Jungkook felt a soft body in his arms. Instantly, he was ready to charm the beauty in his imagination. Looking down, Jungkook took a few steps backward with fright. "Who... Who are you?"

Jisoo was stunned for a moment.

Jisoo wore ugly makeup today, so Jungkook failed to recognize her.

"I came to deliver the lunch," Jisoo replied coldly. Without hesitation, she left with the lunch boxes in her hand.

Looking at Jisoo slender and enchanting back, Jungkook muttered on his way into the office, "How horrible! Her back seduces me, but I want to defend myself at the sight of her face."

Jungkook sat on a sofa opposite Taehyung and complained, "Hyung, isn't that woman too ugly? How can you swallow food from such a hag?"

Taehyung put down the document in his hand and glanced at Jungkook  gloomily. "I dare you to call her a hag again!"

Jungkook was stunned for a moment.

Jungkook felt weird that Taehyung got mad with him over a delivery woman.

"Are you serious?" Jungkook said with a grievance, "Given our relationship, you got mad at me for a delivery woman. It is hurtful."

Taehyung raised his eyelids and glanced at Jungkook coldly. With a poker face, he said, "She's my wife." This was the second time Taehyung admitted Jisoo as his wife to Jungkook .

"What?" Jungkook looked at Taehyung with horror. "Don't you have a beautiful wife? How can you tolerate such an ugly woman?"

The virgin had become a womanizer! Not long ago, Taehyung didn't allow any women to get close to him. Now, Taehyung was nice to any woman!

The horror shown by Jungkook made Taehyung frown impatiently. "She is Jisoo ."

"What?" Jungkook became confused. Taehyung looked at Jungkook coldly and said nothing more.

It took Jungkook three seconds to get the meaning. Then, he exclaimed with surprise, "No way! That ugly woman is the hottie I saw at the banquet last time?!"

Taehyung looked at Jungkook with a sharp gaze. Instantly, Jungkook felt weak at the knees and then knelt in front of Taehyung . "Well, I didn't know that your wife is good at disguise. No wonder you fell for her."

Jisoo, who retracted to the office, happened to see this scene.

On her way home, Jisoo changed her mind before the elevator. She suspected that Jungkook and Taehyung were up to something bad behind her back.

There was a glass door in Taehyung 's office. Through the shades, Jisoo saw Jungkook kneeling in front of Taehyung .Taehyung leaned against his chair with ease. He closed his eyes and looked expressionless.

From where she was standing, Jisoo saw Jungkook burying his head between the legs of Taehyung. Their postures were weird.

Jisoo became aghast.

No way! Jisoo  had just left the office, but Taehyung and Jungkook began to do something shameful in the office!

Jisoo had thought that she could tolerate Taehyung , who was bisexual, as long as he helped her to bear children. However, this scene disgusted Jisoo so much that she almost throw up.

Jisoo didn't realize that she did mind Taehyung being bisexual till now.

Jisoo felt bad and suppressed her nausea to leave.

She saw Harry coming after turning around. "Mrs. Kim?" Harry stopped in front of Jisoo. "Why are you here? Aren't you going into the office?"

"No. We talked," With a forced smile on her face, Jisoo said, 

"See you." Seeing Jisoo  flee with embarrassment, Harry looked at Taehyung's office with confusion.

Harry saw Jungkook kneeling between the legs of Taehyung with excitement. Therefore... Mrs. Kim had a little misunderstanding?

Amused, Harry thought that his boss had set himself up.


This was Taehyung's office.

Jungkook knelt on the ground with a flattering smile on his face. He didn't look like a famous model at all.

Why did Jungkook become humble in front of Taehyung ? Their story should be dated back to a fight in their high school.

Back then, Jungkook's girlfriend fell for Taehyung . Furious, Jungkook dared Taehyung to fight with him.

The result was predictable. Taehyung beat Jungkook up in front of the whole school, and Jungkook almost knelt to beg for mercy.

After the fight, Taehyung found Jungkook and made an explanation. Then, the two boys buried the hatchet and became friends gradually.

Seeing Taehyung calm down, Jungkook knew that he was safe again. Therefore, he stood up. then, Harry walked into the office after a knock on the door.

"Mr. Kim, I saw Mrs. Kim standing outside the office with a gloomy look just now. I think she must have some misunderstanding."

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