Chapter One ㅡ "I told you, it's not that easy to get rid of me."

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Even though he was glad, Taehyung was still wary.

After all, he had consulted medical professionals from all over the world and none of them had been able to help him.

He was close to giving and was starting to accept the reality of his condition. He'd never imagined that he would ever regain his sense of smell.

Jisoo grinned at Taehyung's skepticism. "My maternal grandfather is an ENT specialist who did extensive research into smell disorders. My mother was one of the world's top perfumers. I learned from both of them and married the two skills."

Jisoo reached out a hand to take back the pink bottle from Taehyung and the man relinquished his hold on it reluctantly.

"This bottle of perfume is a secret little something I came up with. It can help people regain their sense of smell. Unfortunately, the effects are only temporary. It eases the symptoms. A cure is somewhat trickier. Possible but tricky."

After that, she winked mischievously and said, "If you think about it, marrying me is in your best interest. You would profit from this deal."

"Why must you marry me?"

After a moment of silence, Jisoo answered honestly, "You saved my life." Seeing Taehyung's frown deepen, Jisoo chuckled bitterly. "I just escaped from being violated by a dozen men. If not for you... I would be dead by now."

Jisoo shook her head. "Do you know that before my mother died, she said the only way I could survive in this poisonous family of mine was to bow my head and become a shadow everyone ignored..."

Taehyung remained silent, which somehow prompted Jisoo to continue speaking

"A fat lot of good that did me. My half- sisters framed me at school so that would be expelled. My stepmother dug up my mother's grave and tortured the dog I raised just so I would obediently follow her here. If that's not enough, she drugged me and said that it was my purpose in life to be used by those disgusting men."

Jisoo's hands clenched into tight fists, her nails leaving crescent marks on her palm. "If you did not appear and order your men to clear the bar... I probably wouldn't have been able to escape and detoxify the drug in my system. So, this is my thanks."

She would never forget the dirty gazes as well as the clammy hands of those disgusting men. It was a girl's worst nightmare!

Listening to her, Taehyung felt that miserable was the only word he could think of to describe Jisoo's situation. Interestingly, throughout her narration,there were no expressions of resentment or self-pity.

Instead, Taehyung saw the stubborn glint in her eyes and was inexplicably moved by it.

He asked, "So your thanks is to ask for my help to get your revenge?"

"Of course not! I will get my revenge with my own two hands. You won't need to bother with that small matter."

Jisoo looked Taehyung straight in the eye and said solemnly,

"I need your help to... give birth to a child"

Several heartbeats passed before Taehyung opened his mouth, disbelief evident in his eyes.

"Have you lost your mind? No!"

"Listen, you wouldn't lose out on this either. Fine, take it as me asking another favor from you."

"You're crazy."

"I'm not, you're a great catch, after all. You have an illustrious family background and you don't look half bad. With your genes and mine, our baby will be amazing."

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