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"Kim Taehyung, will you marry me?"

The woman's announcement sounded extremely load and unexpected in this luxurious private room

To be fair, women threw themselves at the tall and devilishly handsome man relaxing on the sofa all the time

Yet this woman was probably the first to boldly announce her intent so brazenly

And the ugliest one out of all

Hard for anyone to ignore the noticeable birthmark that had extended from her cheek to the tips of her brows

Taehyung sat languidly on the sofa with an air of nonchalance. But his Sharp eyes sized up the woman coldly, just like a panther sizing up its prey. Other than that, he gave no indication that he heard her gutsy declaration

Just when everyone thought that the insane woman would be thrown out of the private lounge, the corner of the man's lips curved upwards.
Audible gasps were quickly smothered.

The Devil smiled?

The confused patrons took another glance at the woman standing before them

No matter how they looked at her, she was remarkably unappealing! Especially her dark yet sallow complexion and a large birthmark on her cheek

Since he was facing the woman and had his back to his boss, Harry Yang, Taehyung's assistant, missed that miracle

He was busy trying to drive the loopy woman out the door "How did you get in here you crazy woman? Get lost!"

Harry had seen many woman try all sorts of ways to seduce his boss but it was his first time seeing one attempt to do so while wearing a dirty t-shirt and jeans

Harry rolled up his sleeves and was prepared to drag the woman out of the room when a cold, aloof voice stopped him in his tracks


Taehyung had been studying the strange woman from the moment she broke into Gin Bar. She had somehow successfully paralyzed their entireties building's security system within mere moments and then managed to escape from the encirclement of highly-trained security guards that were sent to capture her.

Despite his outward indifference, Taehyung was intrigued

All that just to propose marriage to him?

The shocked spectators started to whisper among themselves

"someone pinch me, is Mr. Kim actually interested in that crazy woman?"

Their astonishment was understandable since Taehyung was not only handsome but also rich and powerful

Looking back and forth between the two, nobody could wrap their heads around the possibility of such pairing

Harry froze in his tracks "Sir?"

Did he make a mistake in his boss's orders?

Perhaps the boss said to stop her...

Taehyung's next words drove all doubt out of his head "Leave us"

Harry's jaw dropped open as he finally understood that he, and not the crazy woman, was the one being kicked out. "Sir, this-"

Taehyung leveled an even cold stare at Harry, "Hmm?"

Thr perturbed assistant swallowed whatever he was going to say

"Please excuse us" Harry said and on quickly ushered everyone out of the door, considerately closing the door behind him and standing guard right outside

He was ready to rush back in and throw the wild woman out

The man and woman left in the room silently studied each other

How interesting, the woman did not appear flustered at being left alone with the man people feared down to their bones

In fact, she looked calmer now that they were alone

After a moment, Taehyung smirked, "Who are you"

"Park Jisoo" The woman said with a confident smile and held out a hand to shake

Taehyung flicked a disgusting look at the appendage "Kwanjoon's Daughter?"

"The one and only" Jisoo replied, smoothly withdrawing her hand without a hint of awkwardness

Taehyung did not let his thoughts show

Park Jisoo was infamously ugly, uncouth, and an idiot. Compared to her two dazzling sisters, she was an ugly duckling that would never turn into a swan

When Taehyung's Grandfather, Kim Hwanchul, was choosing a potential granddaughter-in-law, he only considered her older and younger sister.

Jisoo never made the list

Seeing her for the first time, Taehyung could understand why. However, it seemed that part if the rumours was not true

At the very least, Miss Park Jisoo was by no means an idiot

Since the young woman had done so much just to wrangle an introduction and so boldly declared her intention, Taehyung was utterly put off

He'd had enough if scheming women to last a few lifetimes

He was about to chase the woman away when she preempted him "Don't be too hasty, Mr. Kim" Jisoo said.

She sat down right next to the man. If she noticed Taehyung shift away in discomfort, she did a good job of pretending she did not let it show

"Mr. Kim, i heard that you had a very Big Problem", Jisoo began cheerfully as she rummaged inside her Backpack

She brought out a pink perfume bottle and continued, "As a heir to the Kim Group owners of one of the largest perfume brands in the world, how is it going for you now that you have lost your sense of smell? I wonder what will happen if people found out about this"

Jisoo shook the bottle slightly and looked into Taehyung's eyes with a grin

Taehyung narrowed his eyes at her

Only a handful of people knew about his secret and all of them were supposed to be trustworthy

So how did this unknown woman find out?

Jisoo chuckled "Don't bother asking how i found out. Instead, you should be asking how can i help"

Then before the man could say a word, the woman flipped open the perfume bottle and waved it under his nose "Smell this"

Taehyung instinctively sniffed even though he knew it was pointless- Wait!

Taehyung's eyes widen and he snatched the bottle away from the woman. He poured a drop onto his wrist and closed his eyes

Peonies, oranges, lilies, grapefruit...

It wasn't an illusion!

He could smell and identify the notes in the perfume

A rare gleam of excitement appeared in the man's eyes and he faced the woman, giving her his full attention "Explain"

Countless experts were unable to help him and yet this slip of a girl just waved a bottle of perfume under his nose and he was Cured?

Who exactly was Park Jisoo?

Hellooo! This is my first time writing a fanfic! and I'm hoping you enjoy it!
In this story you'll get the chance to see a different kind of Jisoo and Taehyung!

Just a quick note:
There will be profanity throughout the story. I don't proofread, so please excuse any misspellings or grammatical problems (English is not my first language).

Thank you for taking the time to read this!

1128 Words

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