Chapter Five ㅡ Why is she here?

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Jisoo looked at Taehyung like a deer in headlights.

"Your preference?" She squeaked out. "But... But those were rumors...

Taehyung smirked at the young woman's dumbfounded look.

"Didn't you hear? There's no smoke without fire."

After dropping that bomb on his new wife, Taehyung turned to leave. "It's too late for regret now," Taehyung said as he opened the door and left.

The sound of the door closing snapped Jisoo back to her senses and she exploded. "Kim Taehyung! Get back here! I don't care if you like men! We had a deal!" Scrambling out of bed, she ran to the door and yanked it open. She stomped to where she saw Taehyung disappeared to.

Only to stop short when she heard his order his assistant to send some men to his place...

For a moment, Jisoo felt what it was like to be tricked by the big bad wolf.

Did he agree to this marriage just to get her secret recipe? That must be it! "D*mn you, Kim Taehyung!" Jisoo roared and stomped back to the bedroom, slamming the door shut in a fit of anger.

Taehyung stared at the door of his study when he heard his wife curse him and storm off.

Harry stared at his Boss, convinced that the man had completely lost his mind. "Sir, did you mean what you said?"

Taehyung glared at his assistant, "What do you think?"


Harry felt like banging his head on the wall.

"Do you want them? You can have them."

"No, thank you, Sir. I don't lean that way..." He trailed off when he caught the Boss's meaning,

Inside, Harry was complaining. "I'm not paid enough for this! What kind of game is Boss playing at now!"

It was destined to be a sleepless night for the inhabitants of Kim Mansion.

Early the next morning, a loud voice jerked Jisoo from a fitful sleep.

"Miss Park! Why are you sleeping here?"

Before Jisoo was fully awake, the panicked voice of Eunyoung the housekeeper flooded her ears.

"Don't you know that Mr. Kim has severe mysophobia? The last woman who attempted to crawl into his bed was tossed out onto the streets. Just keep your head down and work diligently. Otherwise, you won't even know how you died. Forget the boss, I can introduce you to others..."

Jisoo half-listened to Eunyoung's well-meaning warnings as she was dragged out of bed and stuffed into a nearby guest room.

She smiled helplessly. It was too late, she was already married to the boss. Sighing, she put the matter out of her mind. There were more important things to do than mope around.

It was time for the Annual Fragrance Competition.

This year, the finals were held in the Seoul. Thus, perfumers from all over the world had their eyes on the city, waiting to see who would walk away with the coveted golden trophy.

It wasn't just the monetary value of the trophy the contestants were after. It was the fame and prestige that came with it. As well as the admission into the elite circles one could only dream of glimpsing.

This year, many had their hopes pinned on Haemi, heir and head perfumer of the Park group.

With her wealthy background and good looks, it was easy to assume that she would be the champion. At least, that was what those who were flattering her thought.

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