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(Does this sound like a diary to you guys because I hope not it's kind of like what's going on in y/n's or we'll your head in the time just incase there is any confusion 💗💗 enjoy reading)

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed. Which was in fact in the hospital wing. Might aswell become friends with Madame Pomfrey at this point.//

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Woke up and the first thing that came to my mind was where am I. As I lifted myself up I looked around but soon heard a rushed voice.

"Y/n slow down! You've been in a bad state now for a day and a half"Madame Pomfrey said worriedly and a bit had a fed up tone which I'm guessing is because I'm in here a lot. Soon the door swung open.

"Not again.."I said

There was a large crowd, you had the slytherins well my friends, Ron, a few teachers and some random people.

The teachers rushed to Harry's side whilst I turned over. Even though I would be able to hear them what's the point in seeing 'the chosen one' having everyone's attention 24/7 it gets boring and annoying after a while.

As I watched the bunch of Slytherins give dirty looks to Harry so walked slowly to do so made me smile then they met me at my side. They're faces switched from disgusted at Harry to happy yet worried about me if made me smile I felt like they loved me (IN A FRIEND WAY OF COURSE).

"Y/N!! What happened are you okay, tell us everything."Michaela said loudly.

"Jesus Michaela. Sorry any religious people in here... but I was kinda hanging out with granger,Weasley and my brother to stop what they thought was snape but actually Quirrell sorry I mean Quarrel."  I said in one breath now dramatically gasping for air. Damn I should be an actor.

"So that's why Draco overhear the mudblood talking to some other mudbloods about it. Damn mudbloods are annoying. Wait Draco didn't you say she was bragging about how she was like saving Harry and you the Potter twins or something"Michaela said confidently then to more of a questionable state. As we all looked at Draco he stood taller.

"Of course I did are you questioning me Diggory!" He said annoyed.

"Yes I am. Because I asked you a question duhh"she said moving a hand to her hip. Everyone gave a smirk and Draco just scoffed at her. He walked over to Madame Pomfrey on the other side of the room and asked her something. Couldn't really hear because of all the commotion going on next to me. I turned my head back from that scene and back to my friends.

"I'm bored" I said before pulling myself back up and sliding off the bed. "I wanna go back to my dorm and sleep."  I said again.

Draco and Madame Pomfrey walked over and she said that I could leave as long as I stay hydrated.

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We got out of the medical room once I was changed in the changing room and walked back to the group obviously.  Once I reunited with them we began the  whole conversation whilst we walked to the dungeons.

"Okay y/n tell me everything pleaseeee" Michaela persisted. I gave a slight eye roll as she has been asking me ever since she got there.

"Long story short Quirrell was a bad guy and me and Harry- well Harry did most of it I just kind of annoyed the guy and the weird face on the back of his head that's why he had that head wrap around his head. I think" I emphasised the think to be honest.

"Aww I really wanted the long story" she whined

"And I didn't wanna pass out from the talking Michaela, besides most of it would be about how many rooms there were and bloody hell these people do like the rooms" I said.

"Ughhh fine.."Michaela said

"I know!! It's so annoying it's like a maze in this place."Mattheo said.

"Yeah I get what you mean you two" Draco said looking at Me and Mattheo. We all kinda rambled on with each other  Michaela stayed quiet most of the time, but she did butt in our sentences sometimes until we got to the dungeons.

Draco walked up to the door and said the password then we all walked in. It maybe a door but they all have their locks only people from the houses knew.

We got there and since people were out at lessons there were only certain people that had notes or were skipping were mostly studying.

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We made our way over to the couch and all flopped onto them. Michaela walked over to the other couch to sit there and then Crabbe and Goyle,  Draco's 'minions' came running in and plonked them selves next to her. (Personally I like Goyle he seems nice Crabbe I'm not to sure about MOVING ON this is y/n btw)She wasn't happy about them being there.

Draco gave a cough to signal he was about to talk. And Crabbe&Goyle's attention.

"Anyone else hungry? Or bored"Draco said

We all synced with a 'mhm' apart from Crabbe and goyle who said 'yes' and 'mhm yep'

I stood up and walked towards the bookshelves. Mattheo and Draco sat a little to get comfortable. I grabbed a book that I've been looking at for a while and took it off the shelf. I held it in my hand and sat back where I was before and began reading.  Unfortunately we have this rule in the common room that unless it's a small story with a couple of chapters or a library book it's not allowed in the dorms or out of the common room, it stays in there for the whole of slytherin to enjoy aslong as it stays in the main area. Because of that rule many of the stories they have in slytherin are most likely in the library.

I began to read well fake read just so I could ease out of conversations for a moment or two. I would still listen obviously just because I'm curious mostly because I hate being in my dorm alone and I wanna see this book. Because a lot of people have been talking about it.

I heard and looked up a few times because Michaela was getting annoyed at crabbe and goyle because I was in the middle and mattheo and Draco were on either side they wanted to copy them so when Michaela got up to check books cause she was bored they swiftly moved over to match. When she came back I'm surprised crabbe didn't get dragged off because he sat in her seat.

It made me laugh a little and the other two smirked whilst goyle looked a bit scared and crabbe was hopeless and jumped up after a minute or so. It got late as lunch happened before they came and saw me. It was around 9:30pm and me, Draco and Mattheo were all kinda doing our own thing and I eventually moved over to the other couch, since everyone left.

"I'm tired, I'm going to my dorm so cya tomorrow"I said getting up and going to place the book back.

"Hmm?.. oh alright"Draco said un bothered. Kinda annoyed me he's been annoying for a while.

"Oh okay, good night y/n "Mattheo said getting up and walking to give a hug. The energy between them both was very different from time to time. One was alright and the other can get really really moody especially since my brother turned him down.

Anyways I hugged mattheo back and gave Draco a small wave. Then went to my dorm, got in my pyjamas and went to bed.

(Treated you guys this time 1335 words 😂 hope you all enjoy. Your day or night x)

Potter? Didn't know you had a sister ? (Draco x fem reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora