Just a little author mesage 😅

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Hey everyone I love that your commenting I genuinely do but as my email isn't working I won't be able to reply to your comments please know that I love writing this story for you and I will read some of your stories if you ask as I think their name was richertowriter I think your name was I would love to read the story please put the name in the comment if you would like

I hope you enjoy this story so far  and so sorry that you have to wait for chapters but I do have school and all that I've got this hobby idk if you've heard of it but it's kind of like knitting Y'know crocheting so sometimes I get lost in that and forget to make chapters when I'm hoping too but whilst I'm off currently for a lil break I'll try get some chapters out.

Also the clothing in the first couple chapters because of school my mind was on other things I forgot y/n was 11/12 at this point hope everyone understands new chapter will come soon ❤️❤️

Hope you all have a good day/ of night 😁😁

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