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DISCLAMER: This is my first time in writing a fanfic this is for those who already know the story of encantadia if you havent seen the story yet I recommend you reading the story or watching the 2016 adaptation by GMA as this fanfic is based around the 2016 adaptation it will still follow the main storyline of encantadia the story will only change at the start of the 41st episode of the 2016 adaptation which is where chapter 1 will take place, and no I will not include the original cast of gate this was only inspired by gate but this will not be based around the novel or the anime story this my own made story for this fanfic that follows the same concept of gate. Enjoy feedback is always appreciated! Anyways we begin with the Prologue the prologue starts in Episode 4 of the 2016 adaptation of encantadia

Queen Minea orders Raquim to take their daughter Amihan and flee from the Hathors by crossing a portal to the human world. Raquim insists that Minea should come with them, but she tells him that she cannot leave Lireo as she is the queen. Two soldiers from Lireo escort Raquim and baby Amihan to a secret location where they open a portal. Just as Raquim and the baby are about to cross over, the portal closes, leaving them safe in the human world and out of reach of the Hathors who arrive too late. They have spent their life on Earth with no issues even making friends with the locals Amihan grew up to be a good child as expected while Raquim uses his natural abilities to look for gold as he work as a miner. One day Raquim told Amihan their secret that they are not from this world but they belonged to a world known as Encantadia. Time passes by until Amihan and Raquim are discovered by the Hathors and are chased through the city streets. They eventually make their way to an openfield, where they are cornered by the Hathors. Raquim fights valiantly, but is ultimately overpowered and killed by Hagorn. Amihan is then captured by the Hathors only to then get stabbed by Hagorn they then left the 2 lifeless bodies and went back to encantadia unknowingly for Amihan to survive and taken to the portal by the 2 soldiers of Lireo, which transports them back to Encantadia

But while they were away, their presence in the human world had not gone unnoticed. Reports of a strange disturbance that had happened last night has reached the local authorities, who launched an investigation into the incident. As they sifted through the evidence, they found themselves faced with a mystery that defied explanation. Little did they know that their investigation would set off a chain of events that would change not just the Philippines but their world forever. As the forces of Encantadia and the human world collided, alliances would be forged and broken, secrets would be uncovered, and the fate of both worlds would hang in the balance. As the investigation continued, the authorities became increasingly perplexed by the strange events that had taken place in their Baranggay. Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen powerful displays of magic and supernatural beings, but the officials were skeptical and the initial investigation was hampered by a lack of evidence. It wasn't until they discovered the security footage from a local Computer Shop (Pinoy slang term for internet cafe) that they began to believe that something truly extraordinary had occurred. The footage showed multiple people, both man and woman using incredible abilities unseen before that defies logic and explanation. The PNP (Philippine National Police) were astounded by what they saw & during the investigation the Philippine government took notice of the growing interest in the incident and decided to launch its own investigation. They assigned the case to the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), who quickly realized the gravity of the situation. The NBI gathered all available evidence, including security footage from the local Computer Shop that showed multiple people using incredible abilities. They also interviewed witnesses and victims, who recounted their encounters with supernatural beings and powerful magic.only to be left with more questions than answers.

As the investigation progressed, the NBI realized that they were dealing with a phenomenon that was beyond their expertise. They sought the help of their international counterparts, the United States of America responded by dispatching a team of FBI Agents (Federal Bureau of Investigation) to help with the investigation. This investigation was kept secret by the philippine and united states government, both their investigations found no leads. Concerned over its own security the philippines tried to ask for help from the international community despite US demands not to do so. The international community and the UN were confused and perplexed by what the Philippine ambasaddor to the United Nations had reported, due to this a secret international investigation started with the combination of Philippine NBI, US FBI, British MI6, Korean CIA, and Australian ASIO this entire operation was approved by the UN Security council as a measure in case if there is a new terrorist threat little the governments of the world know that this will escalate to a conflict never expected by man.

The task force worked tirelessly to unravel the mystery behind the strange events in the Baranggay. They conducted interviews, analyzed evidence, and even employed advanced technology military grade technology to gather more information. But as they delved deeper into the case, they realized that they were dealing with something that defied conventional understanding. Some agencies were so desperate that they even started to make theories of the existence of parallel worlds which made the other agencies question their state of mind. Despite their best efforts, the task force was unable to fully comprehend the nature of the incident, and the case remains unsolved to this day. The Philippine government, in coordination with the international community, decided to keep the investigation secret, fearing that if the theory of parallel worlds are correct their existence could lead to chaos and global destabilization. In the end, the strange events in the Baranggay served as a cautionary tale, a reminder that there are still mysteries in the universe that are beyond our understanding. And while the investigation may have yielded more questions than answers, it gave birth to a new era of awareness and vigilance, as the governments of the world began to prepare for the possibility of encountering the unknown.

"In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite state until they are observed. Many worlds theory says that all possible observations are made, so all possible states occur, each in its own world." - Stephen Hawking

GATE X Encantadia: When the world's military fought in EncantadiaWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt