The final transformation revealed

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The group didn't speak a word to one another on the way to the chamber. Thor and Jasmina had joined Loki in sheadding tears but no one was more distraught than Loki. His heart began to pound as the purple poppy tree came closer and closer and soon they were on the edge of the chamber. Without a word, Loki looked back at Thor and Jasmina, simply gave a slight hurtful smile, and walked into the chamber.  As he walked into the damp chamber, Loki could see a single table with a single ray of light and chains attached to the table. Loki gently laid her on the table, and chained her tightly. He bent down and kissed her on the forehead as his tears soaked his face and dripped down and soaked her hair. He turned to walk out when he heard Novell whisper , "Come what may". Loki turned to her and continued to walk out.  He shut the door and locked it tightly, and walked toward Thor and Jasmina. Thor hugged Loki and they all walked towards the purple poppy tree. The sat under the tree awaiting Dargon's next visit.

Days passed, days turned into weeks and yet no visit from Dargon. All they could hear was two different voices coming from the chamber. There were plenty of times Loki wanted to run in and check on Novell, but he could hear Dargon's voice in his head.  Early one morning, while the trio was sleeping, Dargon crept up to the chamber and let himself in. Lying there was Novell, but she was no longer Novell. She had obtained her final form. Dargon quickly ran out the door and locked it behind him, but before he could get the final lock on, Novells hand pierced through the door, holding it open. Her nails were long and black and her hands were covered in black feathers. Her strength was overwhelming. Dargon was having a hard time holding the door back, and pushing with all his might to lock it once again. Dargon began screaming at Loki and Thor to help, but by the time Loki and Thor woke up and began to run towards him, Novell busted through the door pushing Dargon onto the ground. Loki, Thor & Jasmina ran up to Dargon and helped him up off the ground. The four stood there staring in awe, staring at Novell's final form. There she stood, the sunlight lit her up like a black winged angel. Her white, silky, flowing gown, her long gorgeous flowing brown hair, her large black wings, covered her entire body from head to toe.

She was absolutely stunning

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She was absolutely stunning. Loki was in pure awe of his beautiful wife. He began to walk up to her when Dargon grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Loki turned to him in confusion.

Dargon: Loki, you mustn't go to her. She is in the final stages of her transformation. I do not know if she is still our Novell.

Loki: How can it not be? Look at her!

Dargon: Loki, please understand, this is our way. She will come to us when ready. We simply must wait, and you must remember your promise.

Loki: I understand.

As the stood there, the wind began to blow, and suddenly Novell came out of her trance. Her eyes were black as night and her skin white and pale, her hands wrinkled with long black nails protruding from them. Her hair was blowing in the wind, gently brushing her face while whipping out towards the heavens. Loki was taken aback by her Celtic entrancing beauty. Her black eyes glistened like pearls in the sunlight and strange blue ball of light began to shine from her chest. Dargon gasped at the site. He grabbed Loki's hand and pulled him towards him.

Dargon: It's happening.

Loki: No!!! It can't be. 

Dargon: Look at her Loki, she is no longer your wife, she is no longer the Novell you know. If you want to save her , you know what to do.

Thor: What is happening? What does Loki have to do and why does Novell look that way? Can we talk to her?

Dargon: No, this is her final transformation. Novell's personality is buried deep inside the monster she has become. Loki knows what he must do if he wants to save her from becoming a true monster.

Loki: I know what to do Dargon, I must go to her.

Thor: Loki, What are you doing? Explain this.

Loki: I cannot reveal what I must do. It will be done.

Jasmina gasped and looked at Dargon is disbelief. she covered her mouth and began to cry.

Jasmina: No.....He has taken the oath, hasn't he?

Dargon nodded. Jasmina fell to her knees and begged to take Loki's place, all while Thor was let confused and uninformed. 

Thor: Oath? What oath? What in bloody blazes in going on here?

Dargon: Jasmina, not a word. The secret must not be spoken, until the transaction has been completed. I'm sorry Thor, these are the rules of our people. Loki, If you wish to complete this, you must go now before she flies away and fully accepts her monster form. Go now!

Loki nodded his head and slowly walked up to Novell. Her black pearl eyes quickly fixated on him. Her hands began to raise up in the air as she curled her fingers. An evil smile took over her innocent looking face. She began to snarl and growl. She took the stance as if she was preparing to go into battle. Loki lifted his hands on the air and began to chant. Novell tilted her head as she growled and snarled at him. Loki chanted in a whisper, but only loud enough for Novell to hear. As he chant went on, Novell began to shake and whine as if in pain. Her body shook violently, her voice screeching and high pitched, her hands balled up int fists. Thor couldn't help but want to run over to see what was going on but Jasmina kept him away. Her face was filled with tears and Thor help her tightly as she wept uncontrollably. Dargon placed his hand on her shoulder, as they watched the impossible happening before their eyes. Loki was transforming Novell's monster form, to himself. His body began to grow the black wings Novell had on her back as Novell's wings disappeared. Loki screams became more and more painful. Loki fell to the ground in agony, writhing and moaning, as his Jotun form came into play. But even that wasn't enough to help Loki's pain. Novell fell to the ground next to Loki, and Thor  and Jasmina and Dargon watch the transformation of Loki, turning into Novell's monster as Novell became herself once again. They both passed out from the pain. Thor looked at Loki, and saw his blue skin, the red slash marks his face, his long raven black hair spread along the wet grassy ground. The group ran up to them and quickly grabbed Loki and dragged him into the chamber and quickly shut the door and locked it. They pulled Novell under the purple poppy tree and waited for her to awake.

Thor: Dargon, can you explain this lunacy now? What the hell happened to my brother?

Dargon: Loki is no more....

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