Guilt and Hurt

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Novell held Loki close to her chest and caressed his face as she wiped the tears away. Her fingers rans through his short, ark, wavy hair, and down his cheek.

Novell: Honey, talk to me please. Tell me what's wrong.

Loki: I......(stuttering) was just....remembering that night....The night I hurt you. I am so sorry my love. I...I....(crying)

Novell: Loki, honey, that's over. its in the past. Were way past that now. It's really ok.

Loki: Are you really ok with how I treated you? I burnt you, I scared you for life, I have hurt you in more ways than I can remember and yet you stayed by my side....Why? All I do is cause pain to those I love. How could you or even want to stay with me after something like that?

Novell: Because I love you. All of you. I made a commitment to you, I made a vow, that I would love you, through the good and the bad. I will never leave you, you, my dear husband are my world. I cannot see my life without you. I will not abandon you and I will not seek another. You are my life, and I will never want another. I promise.

Loki looked up at Novell who had tears streaming down her face. He smiled and chuckled and said:

Loki: Promises don't mean anything.

Novell Smiled and simply said:

Novell: Mine do. I don't just make promises to break them my love.

Loki and Novell smiled at one another and embraced. she wiped his face clean and kissed him on the forehead.

Novell: Come now, we have to finish getting you packed. You will miss your flight.

Loki: My flight can wait. I have to say this....

Novell: Honey, you don't have to say anything.

Loki: Darling please, I need to say this.

Novell smiled and shook her head and sat back on the floor and tilted her head as if to guve Loki the "go ahead" look.

Loki: I have to apologize to you for everything I have done. You have been nothing but good to me and I have been treating you poorly. I have been selfish and inconsiderate and I left you this mark, this disfiguring mark. I am so sorry my love. you deserve so much more than what I can give you. I am so sorry....I don't know why i get into that kind of mood, I just want to hurt people and i cant control it sometimes and I.....

Loki began to get frustrated and began to get angry and hurt. He began banging his head against the open palms of his hands and began to rage. Novell tried to stop him by grabbing his hands but Loki pushed her away with such force, Novell tumbled to the ground and lightly slid across the room on her bum. Loki began emanating his signature green smoke from his entire body and began to grunt and growl. Novell scrambled to her knees and crawled towards Loki. She saw how lost he was starting to become. She had no idea what to do. Without thinking she reached in and grabbed Loki's face and planted a kiss upon his lips. Loki grabbed her arms and in that moment, Novell didn't recognize her beloved.

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