Chapter 14

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Jasper's P.O.V.

I was so relieved that she wasn't scared of me. I don't know what I would've done if she was scared of me.

Kiara had just relaxed into my hold when Emmett mentioned something that completely slipped my mind.

"Kiara, earlier you told Jasper he was your imprint. Are you a wolf?" Emmett asked curiously. We all turned our heads to Kiara.

"Um no, I'm not. I'm something similar but I'm not a wolf."

"What do you mean?" Carlisle asked intrigued.

"Why don't I show you." Kiara said as she started getting out of my arms and headed to the foyer. We all followed her outside. My family and I stayed on the porch while Kiara went into the middle of the front yard. Then all of sudden where Kiara was standing there was a beautiful black panther. Me and my family gasped at the sight.

"Kiara?" I said walking slowly toward the feline. She nodded. I put my hand out and let her come to me. She sniffed my hand and then nuzzled against my hand. I chuckled at her behavior. "You're gorgeous darlin'." I said while I stroked her head and back. I saw the others getting closer to her and she tensed a little.

"Easy they won't hurt you." My family all did what I did. They put their hand out one by one and let her come to them. When it was Edwards turn, she growled at him and didn't let him near her. He held up his hands in surrender making Kiara know that he'll back off. After that Kiara shifted back.

"Sorry Edward Nyx doesn't like you after what happened at lunch." Kiara said.


"Nyx?" Rosalie asked.

Kiara nodded "My panther's name is Nyx. Since she's like another part of me she has her own name and personality."

"Interesting. Let's all go back inside. I'm sure we all have our fair share of questions." Carlisle said.

We all headed inside. I felt a hand slip into mine and looked to see Kiara right beside me. I smiled at her, and she smiled back. We all got inside, and all sat in the same places as before. Kiara being on my lap.

Kiara's P.O.V.

"Ok I'm sure you all have questions. So one question at a time. And Edward anything that is said is not to be relayed to Bella. She hasn't earned my trust, and you barely have any. So breathe one word to her and I'll rip your head off got it?" I said making my eyes glow, so he knows I'm serious. He nodded quickly with widened eyes.

"Ok so who wants to start off the questioning." I asked.

"Ooo. I do." Emmett said bouncing in his seat.

"Go ahead Emmett" I said giggling.

"Why do your eyes glow?" He asked after he stopped bouncing.

"So you know how I told you Nyx is another part of me?" They all nodded. "Well when she's close to the surface my eyes glow. I can also make my eyes glow when I'm trying to make sure someone knows I'm being serious. I noticed I could do it a few years ago when I was arguing with someone, and I saw my eyes glow slightly in a mirror. The good thing is that they didn't notice. I've never done it intentionally until today. You guys are some of the first people to know what I am."

"Oh, that makes sense. It reminds me of someone else we know." Emmett said glancing at Jasper. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Jasper with a questioning look.

"A story for another time darlin'" he said and I just nodded.

"Ok I have a question. Earlier you didn't seem confused when Emmett asked if you were a wolf. Why is that?" Trent asked.

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