Chapter 13

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Kiara's P.O.V.

As I followed Rosalie to her house, I realized that they lived pretty far away from town. 'Makes sense since they're vampires and they don't want any nosy neighbors snooping around their house. And it gives them free reign to be themselves and not have to hide their abilities.' When I saw Rosalie put her turn signal on, I was confused. 'Why is she turning I don't see a... oh wait now I do. Their driveway is pretty well hidden. Smart.' Once we got to the end of the driveway they parked in their garage while I parked out front. I got off my bike and waited for one of them to come out from the garage. I was not about to go up to the house on my own. Speaking of their house. It's beautiful. The majority of the house was made of glass. And it looks like it has about three floors. While I was looking at the house, I didn't notice Rosalie and Alice coming up to me.

"Pretty, right?" Alice asked.

"What? Oh yeah, it's beautiful. My house has a lot of windows but not as many yours has."

"Come on let's go introduce you to our parents."  Rosalie said.

"Sure" I said timidly.

"Relax. They're very understanding." Rosalie said putting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and tried to relax as we walked up to the front door. Alice opened the door then yelled.

"Family meeting."

"Damn Alice, are you trying to make me lose my hearing." I said while rubbing my ears. They led me up the stairs to what I'm guessing is the living room. I got up the stairs and stopped rubbing my ears then I looked towards Alice and said

"Why the hell are you even yelling, you're vampires you could just talk normally, and everyone would still hear you."

"It's the principle." Alice said with a smile.

"Yeah, that's the reason. I think you just like yelling it." Emmett said amused and rolling his eyes. It was then that I realized that everyone was in the living room and that there were two people there I didn't know. One was a woman with long brown hair with a heart shaped face and a motherly aura. The other was a man with blonde hair and a kind aura.

"Alice, why did you call a family meeting? Where's Jasper? And who is this?" The woman asked confused.

"Esme, Carlisle this is Kiara. She's Jaspers mate. And I called a family meeting because something happened at school."

"What happened? And why isn't Jasper here?" Carlisle asked.

"That would be my fault." I said shyly.

"What do you mean dear?" The lady I now know as Esme asked.

"Kiara it wasn't your fault. If anyone is at fault. It's Bella and Edward." Rosalie said. 

"But I'm the reason he ran off." I stated firmly.

"But they antagonized you." Rosalie said just as firmly.

"Okay why don't we all calm down. Let's all sit down, and you can tell us what happened." Carlisle said

Rosalie led me over to a chair that was beside the loveseat that Emmett was in. After we all sat down, we started explaining.

"Where do you want us to begin?" I asked shyly.

"Kiara, we don't bite." Emmett chuckled. I giggled at the joke.

"Can never be too careful." I said.

"Wait she knows?" Carlisle asked.

"Yes sir, I knew before I even met your children. And don't worry I won't tell anyone. Besides I'm part of the supernatural community myself. I'll tell you how I know and what I am when Jasper gets back so I don't have to tell the story more than once."

"That's fine dear. And start at the beginning." Esme replied.

I told them what happened from the time I got to school and right before lunch. When I got to the part about lunch the others joined in adding their point of view.

"When Jasper led me over to their lunch table I felt a presence in my mind and immediately knew someone was in my mind. So I looked around the table and noticed Edward staring at me intensely. So I told him to stay out of my head. And that's when everything went down hill."

"When she snapped at Edward her eyes started glowing." Emmett said.

"Interesting." Carlisle said.

"Edward, you know better than to pry into other people's heads." Esme scolded.

"I was just trying to see if she was a threat to the family or not."

"That doesn't mean you can just go and read her mind son." Carlisle reprimanded.

"I'm sorry Kiara." Edward apologized I just nodded.

"What happened after that?" Esme asked.

"Then Bella went and opened her mouth asking how Kiara knew what Edward had just done with an attitude." Rosalie said annoyed.

"I then snapped at her. I don't appreciate people talking to me like that. So I snapped at her and then Edward started growling at me."

"Edward!!!" Esme admonished.

"She snapped at my mate."

"Mate or not she was being rude, so Kiara's reaction was justified." Carlisle said.

"Anyway. When Edward started growling at me Jasper started growling at him and his eyes started turning black."

"Oh no!" Esme gasped as she put her hand over her mouth.

"I was concerned and scared that the situation was going to escalate. Before I could try and diffuse the situation Jasper snapped out of it and quickly turned to me. I looked in his eyes and saw shame and sadness. And before I could ask what's wrong, he rushed out of the school." I said and looked down.

"He thought she was scared of him. So he went to his clearing to calm down and clear his head. We decided to bring her here so she can tell Jasper what really happened." Alice said.

"I wasn't scared of him..." before I could say more, I heard a voice.

"You weren't?" I snapped my head towards the voice and saw Jasper standing in the doorway that led to the foyer. I stood up and walked towards him as he put his head down. I put my hand on his cheek and lifted his head. He leaned into my touch.

"I could never be scared of you. You are my imprint, my mate." His eyes widened. "All you were doing was protecting me because I'm your mate."

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have assumed."

"It's alright I would've thought the same in your position." I told him, he took my hand that was on his cheek and kissed my palm and I smiled with a slight blush.

I pulled my hand down but I kept my hand in his. I looked towards the others in the room and noticed they all had soft smiles on their faces even Edward. Jasper led me back to the sitting area and he sat in the chair I was sitting in a few minutes ago. I was about to go sit in another available seat when I felt a tug on my hand. I squealed when I felt myself being tugged backwards and I landed on Jaspers lap and started blushing. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and put his chin on my right shoulder. I proceeded to blush deeper. I could hear Emmett and Trent trying to hide their laughter while everyone smiled or in Alice's case giggling. I glared at the three but I ultimately relaxed into my mates hold.

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