Chapter 14

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The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger ran down the stairs to Level 1, but The Queen's Guards were hot on their tail. Felix said, "Halt, I say." Jenny stated, "Stop, we mean it." When they saw The Queen's Guards coming, they hid in another room on Level 1 and noticed it was Queen Violet's throne room. When The Queen's Guards entered the room, they lost The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger. The Queen's Guards then looked around for The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger, hoping to find them. Jenny said, "They're here somewhere." Frank hid behind the queen's throne, Jacob hid on the window and closed the curtains, and The Masked Avenger hid in the piano. The Queen's Guards looked all over the room for The Two Musketeers and The Masked Avenger. Felix found Frank behind the queen's throne, Jenny found Jacob in the window cell behind the curtains, and The Masked Avenger in the piano.

The Wizard Sisters entered the room with them when they captured them. Felix said, "Finally, all three of them, Queen Violet, she will be pleased." Frank whispered, "What now?" Jacob whispered, "I, I don't know." Jenny said, "Back to the top of the tower." The Masked Avenger said, "I don't think the queen would like that." Jenny stated, "How dare you question what pleases Queen Violet." Kitty said, "What is your name, musketeer?" The Masked Avenger said, "My name...." The Masked Avenger turned around, took off his hat and mask, and showed them his face. The Masked Avenger said, "Is David, son of Queen Violet." Megan stated, "Your Queen Violet's son?" David declared, "I sure am." Frank said, "But that makes you a prince." David stated, "I also wanted to be a musketeer." Jacob declared, "We know, and you are one." David stated, "What?" Frank stated, "David, it's true you crave adventure." Jacob said, "And you're good with a sword." Frank declared, "And you're polite." Jacob stated, "And you saved us many times." Frank said, "So for that." Jacob declared, "We are happy to call you one of us." Frank and Jacob both said simultaneously, "A musketeer." Frank stated, "One." Jacob said, "Two." David declared, "Three." All three of them stated simultaneously, "Three Musketeers."

After they let David in, Felix and Jenny turned The Three Musketeers over to Queen Violet. Queen Violet said, "So, you got them all." Jenny stated, "Yep, all three of them, and one of them is your son." Queen Violet said, "David?" David declared, "Yes, I'm the third musketeer. And we're busting out of here." Queen Violet said, "Oh really. And how do you suppose you'll do that, David?" David put his mask and hat back on and took out his sword. David said, "My name is 'The Masked Avenger.'" The Masked Avenger threw his sword up, hitting the top of a tapestry. Then the tapestry fell on Felix, Jenny, and The Wizard Sisters, and they ran for their lives. Then they all climbed up another tapestry and up to the window. Queen Violet said, "They're getting away. Get out of there and stop them!" Jenny used her sword to cut the tapestry on them, and they ran to the front doors. Then, The Wizard Sisters quickly ran to the front gates and waited for The Three Musketeers.

The Three Musketeers climbed up out of the palace window and looked down. They saw the moat filled with crocodiles and a drawbridge leading from the front doors to the front gates when they did. They also witnessed The Queen's Guards guarding the doors on one side of the drawbridge and The Wizard Sisters guarding the other side's gates. Frank said, "What do we do?" Jacob declared, "I have an idea. JUMP!" Jacob jumped off the ledge, and Frank and The Masked Avenger watched him. Then Jacob took off his cape and used it as a parachute. Frank and The Masked Avenger looked at each other, nodded yes, jumped, and employed their cloaks as parachutes as Jacob did. When all three landed, they landed in the middle of the drawbridge and put their capes back on. The Queen's Guards and The Wizard Sisters ran up to them when they saw The Three Musketeers. The Three Musketeers looked to their left and witnessed The Queen's Guards coming. Felix said, "They're they are." Jenny stated, "Stop, musketeers." Then they looked to their right and saw The Wizard Sisters coming. Kitty said, "We found them." Megan stated, "Get them." Frank asked, "Now what?" The Masked Avenger looked to his left and right and got an idea. The Masked Avenger said, "I have an idea."

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