Chapter 2

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The Two Musketeers, as did The Masked Avenger, returned to the gorge and hopped over on their horses. When Felix and Jenny saw them, they jumped the gorge too and chased after them. The Masked Avenger hid while The Queen's Guards went after The Two Musketeers. When they left, The Masked Avenger went after them in case they needed help. The Two Musketeers made it to a clearing, but they saw The Queen's Guards and ran off when they looked behind them. Then, The Queen's Guards speeded up their horses and chased after them.

Felix rode next to Frank, and Jenny rode next to Jacob. Jenny said, "Stop your horses. You're under arrest." Frank stated, "Never." Frank and Jacob speeded up their horses and ran faster, but The Queen's Guards were still on their tail. Then, The Masked Avenger stood on Felix's horse, stopped, and jumped off it. Jenny stopped her horse, too, got off it, and brought out her sword. Jenny fought The Masked Avenger with her sword, but The Masked Avenger protected himself with his sword. The Masked Avenger and Jenny both hit each other's swords at the same time. Then Jenny got down on her knees while she protected herself from The Masked Avenger's attack. Then she swung her sword, but The Masked Avenger defended himself with his sword. The Masked Avenger kicked Jenny's wrist. Then Jenny dropped her sword, and The Masked Avenger put his sword under Jenny's chin. The Masked Avenger said, "One false move, and you're toast." Jenny lowered The Masked Avenger's sword, grabbed hers, put it away, and got back on her horse, and so did Felix. Then they both rode away while The Two Musketeers rode in the opposite direction. After they left, The Masked Avenger put his sword away and whistled for his horse, and when Toronado got there, The Masked Avenger went after The Two Musketeers.

When The Two Musketeers got to the middle of the forest, they stopped Robin and Maverick, got off them, and stayed for a while. Jacob climbed up a tree and looked out for The Queen's Guards while Frank sat against Jacob's tree. Jacob looked around but didn't see anybody. Then The Masked Avenger hid behind a tree, peered out, and saw Jacob keeping watch. The Masked Avenger climbed up the tree he was hiding behind and jumped from tree to tree so The Two Musketeers wouldn't notice him. When he got to the tree Jacob was in, he climbed up to him and tapped his shoulder, and Jacob screamed and fell out of the tree.

Jacob fell on Frank, and The Masked Avenger hung upside down in front of their faces. The Masked Avenger said, "Hi, guys. Sorry for scaring you." The Masked Avenger jumped out of the tree and landed on his feet. Frank declared, "What do you want?" The Masked Avenger stated, "Since I saved you again, you would let me become your third musketeer." Jacob said, "Sorry. As we told you before, there are only two musketeers." Frank stated, "One." Jacob declared, "Two." They both said at the same time, "Two Musketeers." Frank said, "Well, nice talking to you again. Keep our 'no' in mind." The Masked Avenger sadly watched The Two Musketeers ride away. After they left, The Masked Avenger started to sing about how he would make himself a musketeer. While he was singing, Queen Violet, Felix, and Jenny were singing at the palace about how they would catch the musketeers. The Masked Avenger whistled when they finished singing, and Toronado came. Then, The Masked Avenger got onto Toronado and rode after the musketeers.

The Two Musketeers set up camp in the woods while The Queen's Guards told Queen Violet what happened. Queen Violet said, "You still haven't captured The Two Musketeers." Jenny stated, "We're sorry, but some Masked Avenger keeps stopping us and protecting them." While they were talking, The Masked Avenger snuck into the palace through the front doors without being detected. Queen Violet said, "So they got away?" Felix stated, "Well? Yes." Queen Violet declared, "Well, search the whole forest if necessary. I want those musketeers brought to me immediately." The Masked Avenger had a fire burning in his eyes, so he peered into the room Queen Violet and her guards were talking in and saw them. When he walked in, he hid behind a plant so nobody would catch him. Jenny said, "Yes, Your Majesty, but what about The Masked Avenger?" Queen Violet declared, "The Masked Avenger? Don't worry about him. No matter how much he slows you down, you capture The Two Musketeers and bring them to me." The Masked Avenger looked out behind his plant and glanced angrily at the queen and her guards.

The Masked Avenger jumped to the window cell and looked out from behind the curtains. Felix and Jenny left the room they were in, and so did The Masked Avenger. The Masked Avenger saw them heading up the stairs, so he did, too, quietly. The Queen's Guards patrolled the palace and surrounded The Masked Avenger. The Masked Avenger hid behind a suit of armor before The Queen's Guards saw him, and he waited for them to leave. Felix said, "No intruders, as usual." Jenny stated, "Come on; let's go."

The Masked Avenger scaled the and up to the ceiling. He crawled against the support beams and followed Felix and Jenny to their room when he got up there. Felix and Jenny shut their door, but The Masked Avenger slightly opened it and jumped in without being detected. The Masked Avenger hid in the closet, peered out of it, and saw Jenny knock on their wall and open a secret passage. Felix and Jenny entered and closed the door, but The Masked Avenger jumped in before it shut. The Masked Avenger said, "Made it."

The Masked Avenger followed Felix and Jenny to their control room, hidden in their room, and saw them looking around the palace. Felix said, "Security Cameras set?" Jenny turned on the security cameras, and they watched all the hallways. While they were talking, The Masked Avenger snuck into their control room without being detected. Jenny said, "Check. Crocodiles in the moat?" Jenny let the crocodiles loose, and they swam into the moat. Jenny stated, "Check. Lockdown confirmed?" Felix locked all the cages in the dungeon and all the doors in the palace. Felix said, "Check. Nobody gets in or out." The Masked Avenger thought differently, glanced angrily at the guards, and scaled the wall to the ceiling. The Masked Avenger looked down from the top and saw Jenny shut off the monitors. Jenny said, "Once we capture those musketeers tomorrow, they'll have no chance of escaping." The Queen's Guards opened the door and walked back to their room. The Masked Avenger said, "I'll be ready."

The Masked Avenger followed Felix and Jenny back to their room, escaped through the window, and jumped two stories down onto his horse. Felix looked at their window, saw it was open, wondered how it got unlocked, and then shut it. After climbing on his horse, The Masked Avenger searched for The Two Musketeers, setting up camp. The Two Musketeers were asleep when The Masked Avenger found their campsite, tied Toronado to a tree, and slept in the tree he tied Toronado to. When morning came, The Queen's Guards grabbed their horses and headed into the woods to find The Two Musketeers.

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