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Meredith had been doing great. She has been steady and her labs and stats looked amazing. She felt her body was recovering as she fell asleep a lot. Now she was currently sleeping because Mark will drop off her daughter soon.

After almost five hours of sleep she opens her eyes

"Hi, how are you feeling?" Derek smiles as he was watching his wife sleep

"Hmm.." Meredith groans and tries to shift, wincing in pain as her incision hurt

"Shh.. I'll page Teddy." Derek brushed his fingers over Meredith's pale cheeks

"No more meds.. Charlie.." Meredith forced out, her breathing still a little shallow

Derek nods but paged Teddy regardless, just to make sure his wife was doing okay

"Hi Meredith. Hi Derek." She smiled as she walks in, followed by Bailey

"Could you maybe check her incision? She winced." Derek said and stayed close as Teddy removed Meredith's gown to get her checked out

"I will." Teddy nods and starts palpating

"Hmm." Meredith winced a bit

"It looks a bit infected, we'll start you on more antibiotics, otherwise there's a risk your body will start to reject." Teddy explained and quickly adjusted Meredith's meds

"It's okay.. right?" Meredith asked worried

"Of course Grey, we'll make sure you're okay." Bailey said sternly. "You just make sure you sleep and rest enough."

"I'm doing what I can." Meredith tries to joke but it hurt to laugh and quickly regret her actions

"Shh, just stay still." Derek kisses Meredith's forehead. "Mark will be here any second, are you feeling up to it?" He asks as he noticed how much the examination wore her out

"Yeah... Wanna see Charlie." Meredith nods.

Bailey and Teddy eventually left, leaving Meredith and Derek alone but soon enough they finally heard the knock on the door they were waiting for

"Mommy!" Charlotte smiles and runs up, a single tear leaving her bright blue eyes

"Hi bean." Meredith smiles, patting the bed as she wanted Derek to help their daughter to climb in with her

"You know I actually can't let it happen. So at least put a pillow in between you two." Derek whispers, not wanting Charlotte to hear. "Okay monkey, lean back but be careful for mommy's chest."

"Like this?" Charlotte gets in with her father's help

"Perfect." Meredith smiles and hug her daughter the best she could. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, mommy. So much" Charlotte whispers


A few weeks later, longer than they had expected, it was finally time for Meredith to come home. She still had a long recovery ahead and her usual treatments would of course continue as her disease of course was still in her body and would never be fully treated

"Addison is watching the girls, are you sure you're feeling up to meeting them all?" Derek asks his wife, not wanting her to overdo

"Yeah. I'm just so happy to go home and see everyone while not laying in bed." She chuckles

"But you gotta take it easy, okay?" Derek said sternly. "And wear the mask until we're outside." Derek orders

"Sure." Meredith sighs, hating that she needed to wear a mask around other CF patients, one of the reasons she barely worked in the ER

She puts on the blue surgical mask and Derek helps her take a seat in the wheelchair

"Let's go home." Meredith smiled after such a long time in the hospital she was craving to lay in her own bed, curled up with her husband and daughter

Meredith was smiling from underneath the mask, unable to hide her excitement of finally leaving this hospital. As an intern she hated to leave and go home, she'd rather stay in on-call rooms with Derek, getting as many surgical cases as possible but ever since they got married and eventually got a daughter she loved to go home.

Derek helped Meredith into the car and drove the small distance home. He once again helped Meredith up and lead her into the house, almost completely out of breath after walking such a short distance

"You'll regain your stamina. PT starts soon enough." Derek rubs her back, knowing it was annoying his wife by the look in her eyes. He knew every feature of her from being so close all these years, he loved watching her. He often watched her when he woke up early, or admired her when she was busy with Charlotte. He made sure he mastered her body language as she wasn't always a big talker, at least not about emotions

"I just wanna go for short walks again. I feel like I'm 90 years old." She mutters, causing Derek to chuckle

"Well you look very good for a 90 year old woman." He teases her and opens the door

"Welcome home!" They all screamed

Meredith saw her entire family. Amelia with Kai, they must have flown over, then there was Addison and Mark with their daughter, Carolyn and Christopher but most important:

The little girl with blonde curls that looked so much like her

"Mommy!" Charlotte screams and runs over. "Welcome home! "We got donuts!" Her eyes went wide

"Oh really? Show me because I'm starving." Meredith smiled

"You go sit down, me and the girls will go get them." Mark offered and hugged her, followed by everyone else

"It feels great to be home."

I really am sorry it took so long and I understand some people were impatient but i just really needed some time. I'm still frequently updating chasing cars with the amazing GreysMeredithSwift

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