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"Mer, I'm quickly picking up Charlie. Mom and dad were gonna stop by, will you be okay?" Derek asked his wife who was laying on the couch, watching a show

"Of course. I'll call if something is up." Meredith smiled from underneath her warm blanket to her husband

"Love you." Derek kissed her forehead and left

Meredith sipped her tea and cuddled underneath her blanket when she felt like she had to cough to clean her lungs. She tried coughing but didn't get the relief she had hoped for

She tried again, and again but she completely tired herself out. Her lips even started to turn a little blue. She reached for her inhaler on the nightstand but that also didn't help completely

She wanted to reach for her phone, calling Derek if he would return, when she heard the front door opening. But she couldn't yell, her lungs were on fire while she kept coughing

"Mer?" Carolyn asked worried as she heard the blonde coughing non stop

"Mom-" Meredith tried calling out but it was barely a whisper

"Oh!" Carolyn gasped as she saw how bad Meredith looked with her blue lips and ran over. "Christopher!" Carolyn called out for her husband who ran in a minute later

"Shit, Mer!" Christopher saw what was going on and wrapped the nasal cannula around Meredith's head while carolyn grabbed Meredith's vest and nebulizer, getting everything ready and holding her when it started

"Hmm.." Meredith moaned after a few minutes as she felt less lightheaded

"Shh. How are you feeling? Is it better?" Carolyn asked but then Meredith started coughing again and finally she felt the mucus that was trapped in her airway get lose and spit it out

"Good. Get it out, feel like more is coming?" Christopher asked her

Meredith nodded, not finding the energy to speak up

"Let me get you something to drink." Carolyn said and got up. When she was in the kitchen she heard Derek and Charlotte arrive so she decided to stop them. "Hey honey, I need some help, can you help me?" Carolyn asked the little girl

"Okay nana." Charlotte nods and follows. Derek frowned and walked into the living room

"Mer? What happened?" He asked as he saw his dad hoovering over his wife who was clearly in bad shape

"Hmm.. Der.." she breathes weakly

"When we arrived she kept coughing, she couldn't clean her airway." Christopher informed his son. "It's better, she has been spitting out a bunch of mucus."

"Oh damn it, Mer. I am so sorry for leaving." He hugged her tight, her eyes closing as she was slowly falling asleep

"Are you okay?" Christopher asked his son

"Can I be okay?" Derek sighed, hugging his wife closely as she was asleep, focussing on her breathing

"She'll get that transplant..." Christopher stated

"Hopefully.." Derek sighed, losing all his hope and spirit

"She will. And she's a fighter." Christopher tried to cheer his son up, even if he still had to take in what happened. Seeing your daughter like that, struggling to breathe, was awful.

"Is mommy asleep?" Charlotte walked in a minute later after the two men had been watching Meredith in silence

"Yes, honey." Christopher nods, seeing Derek wiping away his tears

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