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"I cleaned the house, I put on new sheets and everything is sanitized." Carolyn said to her son

"Thanks mom. I'm going to pick her up now, Addie and Mark will bring Charlie in a few hours, but I figured she'd wanna sleep a few hours before that." Derek explained as he was putting on his jacket

"Do you want us to come over and bring some dinner? Addison and Mark can stay as well." Carolyn suggests

"Yeah sounds good, just make sure-" Derek started but Carolyn interrupted

"That everyone's sanitized, I know, son." She assured him

"Thanks mom, I'm going to the hospital now, at least Bailey has agreed I'll work less hours." Derek informed his mom. "Can you call Mark and Addie to see when they'll come? I'm gonna lay down with Mer, I could use some sleep." He said

Carolyn had noticed the dark bags underneath his eyes, her son was exhausted and too worried for his wife


"Come on, let's take your jacket off and we're going to bed." Derek carried the oxygen in his left arm, helping his wife with his right

"I'm okay, Der." Meredith chuckled and slowly walked towards their bedroom where she laid down, Derek tucking her in.

"Do you have any trouble breathing?" Derek asked her worriedly

"No, Der. Now please lay down with me." She softly smiled but ready to fall asleep

Derek nodded and quickly removed his shoes and jeans, laying down next to his wife, cuddling her in his arms to keep her as safe as he could

"Night night, Mer." He kissed the top of her head but noticed she had drifted off already

Derek held his wife in his arms as she slept.

Suddenly Derek's phone started beeping as he got a text

'Elisa has a fever, so we won't come. Apparently it's a bug that's been spreading in school, do you want us to look after Charlie in the meantime?'

"Mer, wake up. Mark just texted me.." Derek hated to do this to his wife but he didn't wanna take that responsibility by his own

"What's wrong?" She asked, her head still in his chest but just lifted so she could see her husband

"Mark texted me. Eliza has a fever and apparently it's something that has been spreading at school..." Derek started, seeing his wife's eyes widening in fear

"Y-You think-" Meredith muttered

"I wanna bathe you now and I think we should talk about letting Charlie stay with Mark and Addison.." Derek sighed

"But I want her at home-" Meredith's voice cracked

"I know, Mer. But we also need to think about the risk of you getting sick.." Derek said

"Can't I stay with mom and dad so Charlie has at least you?" She looked up in his eyes. "I don't want her to be alone when she's sick."

"She won't be alone, Mer. But.. But if that's what you want.." He muttered. "Why don't you just stay here in our room?" He suggested

"She needs one of us with her." Meredith nods. "And I'd rather sleep in my own bed." Meredith nods

"But first a bath, we need to make sure you don't catch whatever it is." Derek lifted her in his arms

"Der, I'm able to walk!" Meredith laughed.

"Oh, I'm aware." He smirked and carried her to their bathroom

Very short chapter, I'm sorry. I finally got my cast removed as my thumb and wrist are healing but I'll need a brace for a little longer so it's still annoying to write. I hope y'all enjoyed it anyway

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