Things I know you have done

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I dedicate his book to Bluecheese360 , I know you have done this. :)
1. Said "OW!" Before something even happens to you.
2. Just laugh when you couldn't hear the question the person asked you and feel stupid when they look at you weird.
3. Randomly click everywhere when your computer freezes.
4. Your mind skips over the the second the. (If you didnt't get that one re-read it again carefully) :)
5. Look in the refridgerator full of food and say there is nothing to eat.
6. Read part of a story then have to re-read it because you were thinking about something else yet you didn't realize you were still reading.
7. Typed/Written the word you were saying/thinking instead of what you were actually going to write.
8. Spent 5 minutes searching for the right emoticon, and by the time you send it it doesn't make sense.
9. Woken up, knowing you have to get up, and imagine yourself getting up, then realizing you were daydreaming.
10. Find the most akward position in bed and are too tired to move so you consider it "comfortable".

Like or comment if any of these happened to you! 😄 (finally found that emoticon)

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