Chapter 29 - Disbelief

Start from the beginning

"General Skylar, you and your crew members from the space station Wildwhirl are arrested." An unexpected sentence, not even Skylar was prepared to hear and was extremely wondering of why and for what reason.

"Arrested? Might I know for what exactly? We've done nothing but help your defender stations." He then answered, confused.

"It was an order from King Ashton himself, General." The guard told them, in a serious tone in his voice and made a gesture for the other guards to bring them to the prisons. But Skylar refused to get touched and shook his body to get rid of their hands.

He was able to be free for a while and stepped one step closer to the guards only to get grabbed again and said in frustration: "Your king wanted us to help you. Your king sent us an urgent assistance request. And now, we are getting arrested?"

"General", The other member from General Skylar involved himself. "I suggest letting it be, perhaps Captain Hawk can explain more with what is going on here."

With another try, shook the general with his body to get rid of their grab, to reach his communication chip to contact Captain Dawn, who was patrolling outside the defender station with his spaceship within the orbit. He could reach it successfully and took the opportunity to command the following:

"Captain Dawn, return with your spaceship and The Blackcrow to our space station, we might have ended up into some unexpected trou – "

But he couldn't finish his command.

Rough movements were made to keep Skylar into the guards grab and the chip fell out his hands. The guard in front of them took that chip from the surface and made a fist around it. It took one strong pressure for the guard to break it inside his fist and the connection broke for the other side of the call.

"Bring them to our underground prisons."

The guard then wanted them to do so, and the other guards respectfully followed his order, to bring General Skylar and his crew members, who were on board the defender station to the underground prisons.

"Alright, you heard what the general said", It was Captain Dawn's voice. He stood on the bridge with his own members and looked outside the giant window in front of him, where The Deliverance, General Skylar's spaceship and the defender stations near them, was seen. The Blackcrow was near them as well and the brown captain continued: "The others, The Blackcrow and the rest of General Skylar's crew should know about it, send them a message that we're going back to our station."

A navigator sent them a message to let both crews know about the ongoing event.

Whilst on board The Blackcrow, received Berry their message and was bewildered about it. He began to worry about Captain Hawk. Before he could continue further interrupted a green creature his thoughts. It was Zin, who suddenly jumped on Berry's navigation construction.

"Ugh, Shepp, could you kindly remove Zin from my navigation screen? We've got an important message from Captain Dawn." It was clearly heard from Berry's voice that he was annoyed.

Not many words were said in return as Shepp removed Zin from the navigation screen. Zin wasn't the only one who he also had inside his arms. Tin was also there. Seemed like Shepp was struggling to keep an eye out on them. Berry wasn't surprised about this fact in silence, since he knew how wild these two creatures could be from time to time.

However, an annoyed snarl made Shepp before he meant: "I'm giving my best to take care of them, Berry. It isn't easy to watch over these hellhounds."

"Hellhounds? You are aware that those creatures aren't hellhounds, right?"

"Of course, I know they're no hellhounds!" Shepp replied with a stressed undertone in his voice. "But they behave like hellhounds, that's why I call them hellhounds. I wonder how Slum was able to tame them."

"Anyhow...", To avoid getting bad flashbacks from the past, Berry changed the topic. A topic which was more important at this moment. "As I said earlier, I've received a message from Captain Dawn that we should go back to our space station immediately."

"To go back? Why should we? And what about our Captain?" Shepp questioned and even Bane was confused.

"Let's forget about him for once and let us go back, like Dawn wants us to do", The brown bean involved himself, but Berry shook his head in disagreement.

"Hah, yeah to leave our captain behind? No way", Berry said.

But then from outside the Blackcrow's window got Bane, Berry and Shepp distracted by an unexpected flashlight. They saw how a laser crashed into Captain Dawn's spaceship without any warning. As they looked outside the orbit, saw the trio three flying shuttle's coming closer from out Walderan's defender station.

Three of their own shuttles attacked The Redbloud with only one laser. Dawn wasn't paying enough attention to where that laser came from as it happened. An unexpected move which Captain Dawn wasn't expecting and looked even more confused on board his bridge. For a second, the captain and his members lost their balance as the laser made an impact. His spaceship, The Redcloud, got damaged by that unprepared crash.

"Where did that laser attack come from?!" The brown bean, Dawn asked in full irritation and wanted answers.

"There! Three of their battle shuttles are coming closer to us from their defender stations." Another one notified the captain about it as she saw the flying objects outside the orbit.

"Why would they attack us after they asked for an urgent assistance request? It just doesn't make any sense..." Captain Dawn kept pondering to himself. It looked like they only shot one laser at them. As a warning sign or, whatever that movement was.

Captain Dawn kept pondering over this odd situation as Berry on The Blackcrow had the idea to try to reach out for Captain Hawk, to ask him what was going on down there. As the red member activated the communication with Hawk's communication chip, Berry could only hear glitched voices from out their side. One of them could Berry recognize. Hawk's voice which tried to come through the other side: "Berry, we are in a tricky situation. Get away from here before they are able to capture all of you as well."

Now, Berry couldn't hear everything Hawk said, the only words he heard were his name, 'tricky situation' and 'get away'. Thinking about it, that was the only thing Berry needed to hear to believe there was something... odd going on. Yet, Berry had a bad feeling about leaving Hawk, especially his daughter behind just like that. They clearly needed help, so he decided to do an unbelievable move:

"Before you jump in hyper speed", Berry then began after he ended the communication with Hawk's chip. "Let me fly down to get Hawk and Starla out of there."

"Are you serious right now, Berry!?" Shepp was baffled. "You don't even know what exactly is going on down there, maybe it is truly for the better, to just fly back for now."

"I cannot accept that, Shepp. I'll write a message to Dawn that I will stay here and fly down with one of our space gliders. You guys, go back to our station. I'll see you later." Berry was for sure determined to save Captain Hawk and the rest from this situation. He didn't know how exactly but he was willing to try.

With a baffled and unexpected face expression, Shepp looked at Bane once Berry left the bridge silently.

"Whatever's going on inside Berry's mind, it must be something... stupid", Bane admitted his thoughts openly with Shepp and for once, Shepp had to agree with an irritated nod. 

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