"You drank for once." Stan commented out of the blue. Kyle shot him a quizzical look. Before he could reply Stan added "I can smell it on you. I think."

"Yeah I had one. Kenny made me."

Stan found this absolutely hilarious for some reason Kyle couldn't figure out. He couldn't help but laugh along with his friend though.

"You're a bad influence Broflovski." Stan laughed and looked at him, pure joy sparkling behind his red eyes.

"Me!?" Kyle exclaimed in mock hurt. "Says the guy on drugs."

"Yeah says the guy on drugs." Stan shrugged, still looking at Kyle. "Can I tell you a secret?"


"Okayokay don't tell because it could get Kenny in trouble."

"I wont tell a soul." Kyle swore. Stan leaned in and Kyle mirrored the action. "Go on tell me."

"Okay so basically" Stan's voice came out in a loud whisper. "Kenny put blue hair dye in Bebe's shampoo."

"Is that why-"

"Craig spilled that stuff on her? Yeah." Stan nodded. "I think someone threw up on a bunch of her purses too. I dunno who though."

Kyle couldn't help but smile a little. Pay back sure was sweet. Stan had a goofy smile plastered on his face too. He'd stopped talking but the two were still very close to each other. It made Kyle feel oddly nervous. The two were just sitting there staring at each other in complete silence until another shriek sounded through the air. The two boys suppressed their laughter as they looked towards the door.

"Sounds like Bebe finally finished washing her hair." Kyle snickered. Stan burst out laughing and fell onto his back. They could faintly hear the commotion downstairs, but didn't bother checking it out. Neither of them felt like watching a furious Bebe tear into everyone demanding answers ESPECIALLY not when they were the ones who actually knew the answer. Kyle was a bad liar unless it came to his parents and Stan couldn't keep a secret when he wasn't sober.

"OPEN THE DOOR." A shrill voice came along with a loud pounding noise. It was Bebe. Stan and Kyle exchanged a worried look as the pounding continued. "I DONT KNOW WHOS IN THERE BUT I KNOW YOU KNOW WHO DID THIS!". She clearly didn't know that, but her attempt to freak them out was working.

"What are we supposed to do??" Stan whispered frantically. He was sobering up fairly quickly, but still had a tinge of red to his eyes. Kyle scanned the room looking for an exit. The only door was the one Bebe was outside of.

"Shit- dude I don't know!" Kyle whisper screamed back. The two boys desperately tried to think of something to say to Bebe to get her to leave, but were both completely blank. Stan suddenly grabbed Kyle's arm while looking intensely at something on the wall across from the door. Kyle followed his gaze.

"Stan. We are not jumping out of the fucking window." Kyle said seriously. "We can figure something else out."

"Bebe is about two minutes from breaking that door down dude. It's our only option." Stan shot back, already walking over to it. "Besides," he shrugged "it'll be a cool story to tell.". Kyle hesitated but helped his friend unlock and open the window.

"Of course we just had to be on the second floor." Kyle muttered bitterly as he swung a leg out over the ledge. "I'll go first and so I can be there to catch you if you slip." Stan opened his mouth to probably argue that he wasn't high anymore and was more than capable of doing it himself, but Kyle had already dropped down to the small landing on the roof below them. He carefully shimmied over to the fire escape and slid down the rest of the way. He motioned for Stan to follow. Stan shot a nervous glance back towards the door Bebe was currently trying to tear off the hinges and quickly climbed out, landing a bit less gracefully on the landing than Kyle did. He did the same awkward shimmy to the fire escape and slid down, scraping his knees and tearing his jeans on his somewhat of a crash landing.

"Hey you said you would catch me!" Stan exclaimed. He clearly wasn't mad, but he was a bit upset about the state of his jeans.

"Maybe just be better at sliding down fire escapes." Kyle shot back, offering a hand out to his friend. Once Stan was on his feet the two of them took off running. Adrenaline was coursing through their veins as the cool night air hit them. Once they were far enough away from the house, the pair broke down laughing on the side of the road in the grass.

"Dude that was fucking AWESOME!" Stan exclaimed, panting heavily. He was sprawled out on his back in the slightly moist grass. "We were like- I don't know what we were like but it was awesome.". Kyle sat up and looked over at his friend, panting equally as heavily. As the two sat there catching their breath, Kyle's eyes remained on Stan. He just sat there noticing the way his hair was lightly stuck to his forehead from sweat, the way his eyes glistened with adrenaline and excitement, the way his chest rose and fell with each heavy breath he took, and the way his lips parted slightly in a smile as he took in the events of the evening. Realization finally dawned on Kyle.


He liked Stan.

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