Prolouge | Not Sure..

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(Thank you guys for expressing the need for this fanfic! But idea of the human and actor au made together and what inspired me was thehelplessromantic_ and the fanfic they made! It's so great and I love their chapters and tbh i look forward to the next chapter all the time!!! So go check them out!!)

This is also my second ish time making a fanfic, so I'll try my very best to not disappoint you all!! (My other fanfic is still in the works 💀) but please enjoy!!

Hollywood was going absolutely crazy, over the show Welcome home.
The brightly colored show was no doubt loved and adored by everyone, although it was made for kids it was still a show loved by all ages due to its engaging stories and it's eye catching colors and the shows world.

The way the actors also portrayal the characters outside of their work life.
By the way they dress and style their hair, but of course their emotions, actions, and the way they feel is different.

You are a prime example of this, you and the beloved 60's heart throb Wally Darling, because you both loved and desired deeply to love each other and wanted to show one another off to the world..but can't.
But let's build to the story shall we, it started with you first landing the job to begin with..

But let's build to the story shall we, it started with you first landing the job to begin with

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Your eyes fluttered open, you laid on your precious and comfy bed. The room slightly cold but nice enough for you to enjoy.
The light brightly now seeping through your curtains, the sound of your best friend knocking on the door to give you your usual cup of coffee. You sat up swiftly and stretched your body.

"Come in Rosemary!" Your voice echoing in your big room. Then Rosemary came walking in already seemingly done and ready for the day. Her hair made up nicely and her outfit in fashion and beautiful. She doubled as your best friend who knew everything about you and your assistant from the morning to the night, you were pleased to have your best friend be your assistant! She needed a job and you needed an assistant and she already knew what your likes and what your non-likes were and it was a perfect match!
"Here you go! Your bitter coffee! Just the way you love it." Rosemary beamed and sat down the cup beside you on your bedside table.
"Thank you Rosemary, what's the agenda today? Also has Micheal gotten back to me on a new opening for a show or something along those lines? If it's another romance movie I'm gonna positively lose my mind." You said with a big sigh at the end. The way Micheal always seemed to love giving me romance roles and booking me roles that have you in a hopeless romantic position is just getting plain annoying for you.
But today Rosemary was going to give you news that was going to change your life forever.

"Well quite the's kinda the same but not! Micheal surprised us with a call this morning about you getting a new role for this new show called 'Welcome Home' the job seems nice." she said as she handed you a couple of papers explaining your character, the role, and other important things as when shooting will start and how things will go.

The show was a kids show surprisingly, mostly what's expected of one. Learning new things and the plots of the show always having a problem and a lesson to be learned afterwards. But the character you had was different slightly. It also had a bedtime segment or thing that happened at night.
'How nice, new change of pace, and seems easy enough.' You thought to yourself. Then Rosemary broke your thoughts and you couldn't read the rest because just them she told you someone needed you on the phone..then you set down your coffee and got up from your bed, the slight cold air hitting you and making you chilled. You walked over to the phone and gently grabbed it from Rosemary and she gave you a big smile and thumbs up.

"Hello, It's (Y/N) (L/N) speaking."

"Oh hello! My names Julie Joyful! It's so nice to talk to you finally!"

Your heart jumped and your eyes widened at the surprise, it was your old friend Julie from high school! You just felt your smile grow big and your heart warm up at the fond memories of Julie, Rosemary, and you sitting at the lunch table talking about your various crushes and gossip of the school at the time. Then going out multiple times and having sleepovers at one another's house.
"Julie that's you!? Golly gee! Never knew you would ever call me again! Since you know, we both went on to pursue our careers." Your voice joyful at the beginning but you got more quiet at the end of your sentence.

Then you started playing with the white cord that was connected to your phone and leaned on one side of your leg as you heard a sad sigh from the other line, Julie began speaking,
"I know? It's been so long..but I've got even more exciting news!" Now her voice picking up due to cheer. "We will be in the same show! I got word from Rosemary, somehow she got my line and before my agent could hang up I got to it before he did and I recognized her voice perfectly! Then I told her about Welcome Home and she almost got so excited I couldn't listen to her anymore! Then I knew I had to tell you and get in touch. Maybe we could..arrive at the same time? The set?" Julie's voice becoming more hopeful, but you already knew the answer was yes! Who would say no to Julie!? The Julie Joyful! Your past best friend too! You would have to be crazy or out of your mind.

"Alright then, what are the character names anyway?" You said then called out for Rosemary to hand you the papers they gave you. Then you just picked up from where you left off and skimmed through and thought 'oh it's our regular names? No wonder the roles are pre-picked, maybe they were hoping for us actors to agree to the roles..'
then your thoughts trailed off as you read the next part of the character description then your eyes widened at what you read..

"- (y/n) (l/n) the character is the subtle love interest to Wally Darling, the leading neighbor of Welcome Home."

Then you heard Julie asking if you were still there and you just blurted out
"The Wally Darling is in this show!? and my character is his love interest!?"
After you spoke you heard Julie squeal with joy then the faint sounds of clapping could be heard on her end..

'Now I'm not sure about this..'

(I wanted to keep going but I don't wanna put too much in the prologue! And I wanna get this out!! If you are coming from my oneshots..HELLO THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME AND GETTING ME TO 10K ON THE ONESHOTS OMG I LOVE YALL!!!)

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