"and i'm choosing you"

Start from the beginning

I nod sharply.

"Now, obviously, I am thinking of my daughter as I say this..." he prefaces before continuing, "I wish to send you home... for a few days. To give you some time to think about Charlotte's offer without the pressure of seeing her every day as you hope to reach a conclusion." I am surprised at his offer, but before I can express this, he continues, not finished, "There would be a limit, of course, to how long you could be away. I am willing to offer you five days. At the end of those five days, a car will be sent for you. If you come back then, we shall all know your answer."

I swallow.

"And if you do not return..." His eyes slowly find mine. "We shall also know your answer."

I clasp my hands together, resting them on my lap, weighing my options.

"You do not have to take my offer... but I am suggesting you do. Time away may be a good thing for you, as well as Charlotte." King Will takes in a deep breath. "To figure out what is best for you... and what is best for Charlotte." His gaze pierces mine. "What do you think?"

I almost cannot believe he is giving me an option. It's my decision. Whether or not I go home for a few days to let me reach my decision. I am not sure how I feel about Charlotte not knowing about this arrangement.

"When would I have to leave?"

"Early tomorrow morning. It will start your first day."

I pause. "And will Charlotte be told?"

He nods. "Of course. I will tell her myself."

I shift uncomfortably. This is not what I was expecting when I came in here. I was not expecting the king to allow me options. I was expecting to come in and have him try to convince me, yet again, to refuse his daughter. I was expecting myself to be torn as I weigh his opinion and Abri's opinion and Charlotte's opinion, as well as my own opinion, but instead I find that he's offering me a way to think about my decision. And I expect he is hoping I will stay home at the end of those five days, but all I can think of is how grateful I am for this offer.

"I'll do it," I say, clearing my throat into the silence. "I'll leave tomorrow for a few days."

King Will smiles. "Wonderful. Bard will give you all of the flight information in the morning. No need to pack a bag. I assume you have plenty of belongings already at home." He stands, and I do the same. "I believe this is a good choice, Mr. Hernandez." He offers me a smile and a handshake.

I shake his hand back, but I find my smile nonexistent.

"Perhaps we will see each other in five days."

His smile is a little too smug.

"Perhaps," I humor, turning around, stepping out of the room, closing the door behind me.

july 12th
[ 4:34 AM ]

"Here you go," Bard says as he hands me my ticket. I grasp it, shoving it into my bag. I look up to meet his gaze, but he won't look at me. He stares off into the darkness surrounding us as I take the final step down the stairs from the castle. The car beside me is running, offering the only sound in the dead of this early morning.

I didn't sleep at all last night. I thought that making the decision to leave would offer some sort of peace but all it did was send me further into a restless night. I spent all last night tossing and turning and packing up everything I brought and then unpacking everything I brought.

"Hey, Bard," I say, clasping a hand on his shoulder. He turns to face me, finally. "I'll see you soon."

He scoffs. "Don't make promises you aren't willing to keep, Hernandez." His jaw tightens. "Just..." He takes in a deep breath. "Just remember, Levi, how much this will hurt her if you don't show up again. If you don't come back."

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