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They say grief gets easier with time, Izanami Ryoko says that's bullshit.

There were no clouds in the sky; unlike the ones shown in movies.
Instead, the day was rivalling one that of spring.Of joy and happiness. Not one of loss and grief.

The aching pain never dulled. It was like a knife twisting its way deeper and deeper into one's chest.
She was suffocating back then, but this had brought her no relief.

Then there was guilt; creeping it's way through her veins. Could she have prevented it? Done something that could change the present?

But above it all, Had she known?

The questions which cannot be answered should remain buried deep. What though the point to know what one cannot by any means?

Life moves on and so had she.
But though scars may fade, they never leave.
Enjoy <3

also,please comment and like to bestow upon me the motivation to get my ass up and write🤝

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