Chp 4~ Emo elsa

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"Will you privacy invading bastards move or do you want me to take matters into my own hand?"

Izanami warned loud enough for most of them to hear. Hearing the underlying threat promised in her voice, the horde of reporters split making way

"How barbaric!" she heard one of the reporters exclaim, but one glare in his direction was enough to shut him up then and there.

She then noticed a brunette- who happened to be Uraraka and the dude with the tape quirk struggling to get through as they were bombarded with questions about All might from the reporters at the side,

She quickly grabbed both their collars from the back before slightly shoving them ahead, "Hurry up now,"

After successfully passing the horde of reporters, the two turned back to see their apparent saviour,

"Izanami san!" Uraraka exclaimed "Thank you for that! They were a crazy bunch,"

"Yeah, thanks a ton" Sero- said, introducing himself,

The girl simply shrugged, "No problem. Hate them anyways"

"Uh huh, but it shows how much All Might teaching us has made them invested in us."

"UA was always in the spotlight anyways but this somewhat doubles it now"

"Annoying fucks," Izanami hummed, agreeing.

After the rest of their classmates successfully made it through, homeroom started.

"As for today, you need to elect the class president and vice president" Aizawa sensei announced lazily

Iida raised his hand in a chopping motion before asking "Are we going to this by voting-"

"I really don't care." Aizawa Sensei cut him off
"Just decide by the end of the class."

"Are we allowed to vote for ourselves?" someone asked,

"But then everyone would vote for themself" another argued,

Speak for yourself. 
Izanami said internally, zoning out. She had already decided to vote for Iida. He had been the representative in middle school and so she knew how responsible and diligent he was,

The voting was done just as suggested, and to her surprise Midoriya was appointed as the president.
While he seemed sweet,the girl didn't quite see him as a head. Not that it really mattered.

Momo was elected as Vice President, which wasn't as surprising.

"Oi! Who voted for that loser?!" Bakugo yelled from his seat,

"Someone who didn't vote for you," Izanami drawled from her seat ; it wasn't the best of her retorts but it did the work anyways, if the twitch in his eye was any indication.

Todoroki glanced at her, observing for a second, "You love getting on people's nerves, don't you?"

"Absolutely," she said in instant, "Not everyone though, just a few." she followed, giving him a small closed-eye smile,

"Sucks for you, chief" the girl commented when passing the navy -haired boy, on the way to cafeteria later that day,

At the school Library :

"You're not completely stupid." Todoroki stated, watching the blonde go over the details.
She had meticulously researched and planned everything, even better than him, although he would never accept that to her, or anyone for that matter.

After the entire ordeal with the press at lunch, everyone was called back to class and Iida ended up becoming the President.

The two had later decided to meet at the library to complete the project and be off with it as soon as possible. Both still bitter as fuck.

"Not everyone can be like you, princess" she replied lazily, not even looking back from her work

The boy scrunched his face, not noting the sarcasm in her voice, "I was third on the written exams in recommendations."

"And I was first. Your point?" she said, giving him a side glance

He went back to work.

Both of them settled in rather comfortable silence after a while before Midoriya who was also at the library with his project partner, approached them to clear some doubt.

The girl quickly helped him through while her partner refused to even acknowledge his presence, though he greeted and bid goodbye to both of them,

"Rude." Izanami stated, after Midoriya left.

"I'm not here to make friends." Todoroki replied coldly

"And glancing up to acknowledge someone talking to you makes them your bestfriend?"

"Yes." he stated,

Izanami sighed. She understood not wanting to get close to people and acting like buddies but wasn't nowhere near as bad as Todoroki.

Although her resting bitch face usually did most of the work in keeping people at bay.

"My bad.emo Elsa"she said, sarcastically

"What is up with your name calling?"

"What is up with your daddy issues?"

Todoroki's face darkened at that, "What does that bastard have anything to do with me"

The girl looked up, assessing his face before narrowing her eyes,

That sensitive, huh? She thought to herself, watching how the boy's aura completed shifted; but she had to continue.

"Your insufferable personality?"

"You'd be much more tolerable if you knew how to shut up" the heterochromatic boy stated with spite before getting up from his seat and arranging his supplies,

"And you'd be much more tolerable if it weren't for your daddy issues" she called out, just as he stormed off.

also,please comment and like to bestow upon me the motivation to get my ass up and write🤝🔪

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