Chp 8~ Love child

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Izanami's eye twitched.

"He has no mercy even against a girl,huh?" Tsyuu commented with one finger on her chin

There boos from the crowd were getting louder.

"This is unbearable to watch" someone stated and the blonde snapped,

"Then don't fucking watch it. Go in some room and go to sleep. I don't care- just shut the fuck up

Easy this -mercy that. Currently the only one who is respecting Uraraka is Bakugo. What about being a girl? The fuck is this- the 1800s? Bakugo is going all out on her because he isn't underestimating her, unlike you all. He knows he could lose with just one touch and he isn't taking a chance because  he wants to win. Because this is a competition. And you don't hold back on your competitor. Because that is disrespectful. If you wanna whine about it then stop thinking about going pro and just go to sleep for fucksake."

Everyone sweat-dropped. This was the epitome of pin-drop silence their teachers had asked of them once. A few acknowledged her words, processing them while few-

"Yeah, but I could never bring myself to go all out on a girl-" Kaminari said

"Oh shut it pikachu- You lost to the girl from 1B within seconds"

"Yeah bro," Kirishima agreed while Sero comforted Kaminari

"Izanami's right" Mina clapped her hands, "Our Ochaco is strong!"

"Indeed," Yaoyurozu and the rest agreed

The blonde was satisfied when she heard Aizawa sensei giving a similar speech to the audience and telling some pro to quit. The match ended with Bakugo winning and she got up as it was her turn next.

The first two rounds had passed by in a blur,
She had scored 4th in the first round, just after bakugo and 2nd in the third round after teaming up with a purple haired dude, Shinso

He had a cool quirk, brainwash. Although it seemed weird to have two of her classmates being brainwashed on the team;

she didn't blame the dude, it was literally his quirk

They became acquaintances but left it at that, muttering congratulations to each other before being on their way back.

Although he lost to Midoriya, the girl believed that he had potential and desperately hoped the dude would get switched with Mi*eta

Walking down the hallway, the girl's phone ringed

Family 🥰 (groupchat)

Mom: Congratulations on making it to the final round, sweety! All the best!!

Izanami typed a quick thanks and put her phone back.

Her dad had wished her luck by calling in the morning. Both her parents were overseas for work and her mom was in a meeting at that time.
She didn't have any siblings

Her Mom was a busy business owner and dad an equally busy partner of the company ;
They felt guilty about not being present for her as much as other parents, but the girl really didn't mind

Not kidding, she honestly didn't mind. Her parents cared for her, she knew that.

After winning her first round against someone from 1B the girl was on her way back till someone pulled her behind

She looked up to see the ash- blonde who she saw in a new light after his match with Uraraka.He  had his index finger on his lips, indicating the girl to shut up.

Izanami gave him a funny look before she hearing the voices,

"In my memories, I only remember my mother crying..."

Izanami had eavesdropped on the boy's entire backstory.again? along with Bakugo and they silently agreed on not talking about it before going off in their own direction.

He really does give his backstory that easily

And although the girl had known most of it, the story behind scar wasn't one they had talked about last week.

She figured candy-cane telling all that to the greenete was because of the entire 'declaration of war' thing.

To put it frankly, the girl didn't think it as big of a deal as everyone made it. Second hand embarrassment, Yes, But nothing more than that.

In all honesty, though- Izanami didn't like how his hatred for his father was consuming him to the point he hated a part of himself because of it.

It hit close. And she didn't like how it felt.

Todoroki wasn't someone close to her. Hell he wasn't even her friend. But watching anyone lose themself to such hatred pricked her skin.

It served as a reminder.
And the reminders suffocated her.

She watched the match between the two and was sure Midoriya pulled out some philosophical-getting- on candycane's- nerves- card with the way his fire suddenly erupted mid fight after suppressing it for so long.

She heard the screeching voice of Endeavour screaming "SHOTOO" and glared at the stand where he was at, although the man couldn't see it.

Flaming repulsive piece of shit.

The eavesdropped- conversation flashed in her mind. The entirety of it was dripping of seriousness and a depressive touch-

Well, except for the last question the heterochromatic teen had asked as an afterthought- With full confidence, even

"Are you All might's secret love child or something?"

The question was so out of the blue and absurd that she had to slap a hand over her mouth to keep her chuckles to herself, lest the be caught back then,

Reminder: (also, again do not ship her with Shinso or Bakugo, they're actually just acquaintances and somewhat future friends)

I skipped the first two rounds as they didn't seem relevant to my story/:

enjoy <3

also,please comment and like to bestow upon me the motivation to get my ass up and write🤝🔪

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