Chp 17~ Socialising

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"Uh, The actual fuck?" Izanami questioned as she entered her class.

Mina clapped her hands excitedly and approached her. Jiro tailing behind, "Isn't it amazing! Now the entire class can be like a cool family and get to know each other!"

The blonde gave a horrified look to Jiro who just shrugged her shoulders, Bakugo entered the class just then and resonated her thoughts


Their class had been decorated with banners and balloons and similar frivolous shit with 'SOCIALISING DAY XOXO' in bold right at the centre and all their desks were arranged in a circle

"You know for once, we're on the same page hedgehog" Izanami said, looking over at Bakugo who just grunted in response.

He turned around to leave as the the girl simply walked in taking a seat besides Todoroki.


"Cmon Bakubro it's fun!" the redhead, Kirishima tried convincing him

"Yeah! Don't worry- it won't taint your completely flaming garbage of a personality wit-"


The poor dude was now being chased around the class but hey- Bakugo didn't leave.

"Good morning Izanami san!"
"Good Morning, Midoriya"

"Izanami, has your injury been healed completely now?" the boy beside her questioned monotonously.

It had been a week and a half since the internships got over. The cut had been deep and so Recovery girl had to come to rescue, however she said that it would be best if the treatment be done slowly instead of in one go.

The blonde had been going to her clinic every alternate day after school since then.

"Yeah, had the last check up yesterday."

The teen nodded, "I see."

The first day they had gotten back from their respective internships was tiring. Especially, the four who had been involved in the Hero-killer's incident. They were showered with questions upon questions for the earlier half of the day.

However, there was also an inexplicable bond of camaraderie between the four because of it now.
The girl from then didn't return after that. Neither did the others know anything about her.So they simply kept it aside as a once met, then not and left it.

HOWEVER, the BEST thing of the day was the Ashblonde's hairstyle. His hair had been slicked back to the nick. God - it was fucking hilarious.

Izanami, Kirishima, Kaminiari and Sero were laughing their asses off and the boy had gotten so pissed his hair burst back into its original hair style.

Mina took a video and earned off that shit.

The door to the class room slid open, and all the students looked over to see Aizawa sensei standing there. Even the chase between Bakugo and Kaminari stopped.

The tired man gave the class one look over, before proceeding to look at the ceiling, muttering something and then slammed door shut before going off his way.

Poor man doesn't get paid enough for this.

Okay then.

Iida started, "So as to increase our compatibility and bonds as future pro heroes, UA had decided to conduct a 'Socialising Day'"

"Is participation compulsory?" Todoroki questioned

"But of course Todoroki kun," Yayorozu answered

"I think this is a great way to get the anti socials out of their box kero" Tsuyu stated

"Yes!" Uraraka agreed

"So manly!" Kirishima followed

Izanami wasn't so sure what was manly about this but she had come to accept the red hair's manly as something good so she ignored it.

Everyone was now settled into their chairs except one who was excitedly dancing in an extremely weird manner,

"How about we start with the girls giving-" Mineta started, Going to take a seat beside Bakugo who
kicked the grapehead's chair.

Bakugo got the approval of the girls for that.

"Don't sit beside me you disgusting perv!"

"Good work hedehog."
"Thank you, Bakugo kun."
"Approved stuff Bakugo."
"Shouldve blasted him while you were at it."
"Sero-chan tape him to the wall away from us.Kero"

"How Mean!" the grapehead whined, while the rest of the guys in the class sweatdropped

The girls really don't like him.


"So,what's the plan?" Izanami asked

"Is any one of you interested in talking about the mystery death of Lamsker Kelp?" Tokoyami asked

The girl turned to face him, and said in full seriousness, " Send me the link."

"Understood." He replied back matching her seriousness,

Some of their classmates let out nervous chuckles at the exchange before Midoriya pulled out Monopoly

"Oi oi, that's some family ending stuff" Bakugo pointed, although he had an evil aura already surrounding, along with a couple of others in the class.

Monopoly was serious shit.

"Yeah probably not the best bonding idea" Jiro whistled

"But who's all in!" Kirishima exclaimed, all pumped up

"Wait, how exactly do you play that game?" Izanami asked from her place. Keeping her phone aside.

"You don't know how to play MONOPOLY !?" half the class semi-yelled , flabbergasted

Todoroki slightly raised one of his hands and plainly stated , "I don't know either"

"Oh, our uncultured todlers-" Mina sighed, one hand on her chest and the other wiping away a fake tear

"Fucking idiots i'm surrounded with", Bakugo groaned while the other students started explaining the rules;

By the end of that day, there were some serious alliances and grudges formed.

IMP A/N- Hyacinths is NOT discontinued.

I just have EXTREMELY imp exams coming up, so there will be less to no updates TILL april. Then there'll be a lots of chps together 🤝🤝

Please don't ditch. appreciate it <3


yes, og episode and much necessary bonding with the class🤝

i Real fun starts now💃💃
aka. (trauma bonding 🥰)

[kinda just wanted to get the major cannon events out of the way👩‍🦯]

Also can I PLEASE get some feedback cause this is my first fic and idk how this is going😭😭 like is it boring? too cryptic? slow? fast? is Shoto too ooc?


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