Chp 7~ Project partners

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"Are you done?" the heterochromatic boy asked his project partner

"Yeah, one sec then we can leave."

The journey towards her house wasn't as awkward as the two teens had thought it would be

Although her behaviour at the cafeteria piqued his curiosity, Todoroki didn't know if he should question her about it.

He wondered if her house would be empty considering it was nearing evening,

"Do you have any siblings?" he asked plainly, thinking about how his sister would be home by now

"Nope. My parents were too busy for that," she shrugged

"I see."


"I have 2. Well, technically 3 but our eldest brother passed away when I was small."

"Oh, my condolences. But damn, 4 kids?"

His eyes darkened at that.

"My siblings and I are experiments for him. Tools to surpass All might. He neglected and isolated me from them because for him they are 'failed experiments'. If I wasn't born born with both the quirks then there would've been 5."

Izanami eyed the boy seriously, he reminded her of a certain someone. She wasn't quite sure how to respond to that. She knew he hated his father very much and there was no doubt from the start that man deserved it but she was always shit at responding to random trauma dumps,

"No wonder you have daddy issues. Your dad has a premium membership of issues and flaming shit personality."

She watched him get back to his normal self, other than his slight tense posture.

"Can you not?" he said, making a face

She glanced at him, "Also, do you always give your backstory so easily? I wouldn't dare call ourselves good acquaintances let alone friends and that seems rather personal, for well - obvious reasons"

He simply shrugged before answering,
"I don't hold conversations long enough with people usually. Besides, my hate for my old man isn't something I particularly hide. So why should I protect his image?"


He gave her a quick glance, "Also, good acquaintance or not. You don't seem like someone who'd broadcast another person's 'backstory'."

"Despite how rude you are that is," he quickly followed.

Izanami rolled her eyes. "Like you're mr. kind-to-all saint"

"Never said I was." he shrugged

Izanami's house was comparatively huge, it wasn't like Yaoyurozo's or his house but the house was big.
The interior also seemed as a professional designer had worked on it. The house was in contrast to his traditional one.

"Is one of your parent a interior designer?"

"Yeah, my dad actually. My owns and runs the company."


Th two had been at it for nearly 3 hours.

Both being rather fast, they were nearing the final touch up of their projects.

Todoroki glanced at his watch, "Are your parents working late?"

Not realising what he meant, Izanami scrunched her eyebrows

"It's 8. Aren't parents usually home by this time?" He genuinely didn't know, his old man came at random timings. So he guessed,

"Oh, yeah no. My parents are overseas for work."

"I see. You don't seem like the type to not burn down the kitchen while cooking" he pointed, guessing she was living alone

"I'm not." instant agreement

"That's why I live off ramen and ordering food."

Todoroki gave her a look, "That doesn't sound very healthy"

She gave him a look back, "You talk like you're a Michelin star chef yourself"

He seemed to contemplate for a while,
"Fair enough."

The two continued their bickering while simultaneously completing their project and handing each other anything that was needed by the other.

Izanami finished her part and looked at the time, 8:47

"Kind of late to ask this, but do you want anything to drink?" Izanami asked, realising she hadn't offered him upon entering

"Water will do"

"I love water but just how boring can you be?"

"Do you have apple juice then?"

"Coming right up" she said, twirling her finger in the air before getting up and leaving

Todoroki finished his part just as the girl peaked her head around the door, "While I'm at it, you want something to eat? It'll be late by the time you reach home" she suggested

He contemplated for a minute, "I'll have to check with my sister,"

"Alright, just let me know. I'll be back in a minute or two"

He nodded. Already dialling Fuyumi.

Todoroki looked around the room after his call was done, waiting for Izanami to be back

They were sitting in Izanami's room, since all her school supplies and notes were there. The room was very- her in a way.

He noticed a small photo frame lying at her bedside table, two girls- one being her, just slightly younger and other, he assumed was her friend since she had no other siblings.

The picture was probably of a year or two ago.

Izanami walked in with two glasses and a granola bar in her hand, "So, did your sis give you permission ?" she questioned earnestly, not poking fun

"I wasn't asking her approval, but she's already made dinner. So i'll be having it at home." He replied, taking the glass with apple juice in it

She threw the granola bar at him, "Figured that could be a case, so I brought it. Have it. It's good."


While leaving, Todoroki asked the question he'd been waiting to confirm since seeing the picture,

"Is the girl in the picture on your bedside the one you and Iida were talking about during lunch?

He saw the girl tense slightly, "Yeah, she was my bestfriend."

"I see."

"Now off you go," she said flapping one hand and shooing him away jokingly

"And here I thought you were learning how to not be rude today," he quipped, with an imperceptible smile before finally leaving

On his way home, Todoroki wondered why the blonde always seemed to tense when her middle school or that girl -Hitomi Yuki, was it? was mentioned.

He also hadn't missed the way she spoke about the said girl in past tense.

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