Chapter 11

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Noah's P.O.V

I walk up behind the swing set of the park. Emory hums to herself as I sit next to her. "Hey," she smiles as she glances over at me.

"Hey, babe. Whatcha listenin' to?" I pull one of her earbuds out.

She unplugs her headphones. Boomerang by The SummerSet plays. She starts singing along as we compete with the height of the swings. I smile and sing with her. I jump off the swing and she does the same. I grab her hand and run to my car. "Noah!" She giggles.

We get in my car. "Let's go to L.A.," I say.

She smiles widely, leaning over the middle consul and kissing me passionately. "Let's go," she says excitedly.

I start the car and speed away from the playground. We jam out to the rest of the song and a few more. I turn down the radio. "What would you think if I got my tongue pierced?" I ask nervously.

She shrugs as she looks over at me. "I'd think it's super sexy just like when you came over to show me your lip piercing," she smiles shyly.

I stick out my tongue to show her the piercing. "Ya know, it's supposed to feel great during oral," I smirk. Emory blushes a deep shade of red and turns her head away from me. "Aw, come on, baby. Why do you always get embarrassed when we talk about sex?" I ask as I tug at her hand.

"I'm a virgin," she mutters.

I nod slowly. "I'm sorry, babygirl. Why didn't you tell me? I would've stopped," I say as I drive over a bridge.

She raises and drops her shoulders. "Every guy I've told 'no' broke up with me. That's why I didn't tell you. It's embarrassing," she murmurs.

I chuckle softly. "I'm not gonna breakup with you for that, Em. I love you enough to wait until you're ready."

A small smile places itself on her head. "Thanks," she simply whispers.

I nod, turning up the radio again. Our singing was interrupted by my phone ringing. I sigh, turning the radio down. Em answers for me; "Noah Lynch's phone. Emory speaking how can I help you?" She giggles.

Em puts it on speaker.

"Hey, honey. Do you know when Noah's coming home?" My mom asks softly.

"We're driving around L.A, mom. I'll be home late tonight or tomorrow," I say calmly.

She sighs deeply. "Okay, Noah. Don't get in any trouble, please."

I chuckle, "I won't mom. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye," her and Em hang up.

We watch the sun set at a beach. "Hey, bubs?"

I smile at the nickname she gave me. "Yeah, babe?" I reply softly as we walk to the car.

"I had fun today," she exclaims as I open the door for her. "Thank you."

I nod, closing her door. I hop into the drivers side. "Me too, baby. Am I bringing you home?" I ask as she slides her fingers in mine.

She nods, "yeah. But I want you to stay because my parents won't be back until like 1am."

I smirk, thinking of being alone with her. But I quickly shake the thoughts out of my head. "Okay, baby," I reply simply.


Emory leads me to her room, by my hand. She closes the door and slips off her jacket. I smile as she slides her hands up my chest, around my neck. I rest my hands on her hips. "Your parents don't like me, do they?" I ask.

She sighs, shaking her head. "You are kind of scary with the 'bad boy' demeanor," she shrugs. "But I love you," she whispers.

I lean my face down, closer to hers. "I love you way more," I kiss her lips softly.

A soft, gentle kiss turns heated and rough. She tugs at the end of my shirt. I pull back enough for her to take it off. She traces my abs and I take her shirt off. We go back to kissing. Someone opens the door, making us pull apart. "Get out of my house," Her father growls.

I nod and pick my shirt up off the floor. "Dad, he wasn't-"

He cuts off Emory. "I said out!" He screams.

Em puts her shirt on. "Noah, please don't leave," she begs.

I cup her cheeks and peck her lips. "I love you, Em. Remember, throw me away and I'll turn around and come right back to you," I smile sadly.

"Noah, don't leave me," she pleads as tears rush down her face.

"IT'S EITHER US OR HIM!" Her mother yells.

Emory stumbles back, shocked. "Um.." She looks between the three of us.

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