Chapter 2

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Carissa's P.O.V

"Rissa, can we talk?" Kelli asks. I nod, motioning for her to sit at the island. "So ever since that thing with my parents, I've had really bad anxiety and it scares Shor," she says ashamedly.

I rub her back as tears stream down her face. "Oh Hunny," I pull her into a hug.

Shor walks into the room, looking concerned. "Baby, are you sure you want to stay. I'll go home with you," he rubs her back.

She shakes her head as Shor takes her out of my arms. "No, you need to spend time with your family," she cries harshly.

"Kelli, it's fine. If you guys want to go home, it's no big deal," I rub her back.

She doesn't say anything. Shor sighs deeply. "Come on, babe. We're going home," he says as he tries to stand her up. She doesn't oppose. They slowly say goodbye to everyone before walking out to his car.

"What happened to her?" Ross and Noah ask as they walk into the kitchen.

"She had a miscarriage last week and she scares Shor with her anxiety attacks so she feels like she ruined the family," I explain.

Ross' eyes widen. "Oh," he mumbles as he walks out of the room.

Noah walks after him and I hear Ross yell something. Emory and Sadie jump. "God, he still scares me when he does that," Sadie places a hand over her heart.

"What did he do?" Emory asks worryingly.

"He's having a melt down," I shrug as I walk to the living room.

Ross sits on the floor, his head in his hands. "I wasn't there for them again! Again, Carissa!" He yells as he looks up.

I kneel in front of him. "Ross, you know that if they needed you, they'd ask." 

Wrong choice of words.

"So my son doesn't need me!?" He screams.

Sadie walks in the room with Emory behind her. "Daddy, stop yelling," Sadie sits beside him.

Her, being his only daughter, convinces him to calm down.  "I'm sorry, princess," he sighs.

She leans her head on his shoulder. "It's okay, daddy."

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