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Eli's pov:

I caught small glimpses of Fletchers thoughts but I instantly scolded myself, Vance has been continuing to work with me even more than before to avoid prying into other's thoughts.

I watched from a distance as Vance helped wrap Fletchers hand, when the boys returned Declan patted Adorjan's back, giving him a comforting smile.

"You alright, Adorjan?" Vance asked softly.
As he nodded.

"I-I'm sorry." Fletcher mumbled looking extremely guilty as he came back into the room.

"Hey, don't stress about it." Adorjan said confidently as he walked towards Fletcher and cupped her hands.

"Are you okay?"
She nodded biting her lip gently, glancing away from his intense gaze, which we all knew that would only boost his ego.

I got bored of watching their conversations, the twins had drifted to the living room, I decided to wander as I went upstairs to find a piece of paper shoved in between my window.

I opened it skimming over it before crumpling it into a ball. And pulling out my phone, my fingers smashing the buttons.

'I asked you to leave me alone...'

'Eli baby...I just miss you, you don't know how much you ruined me...'

I felt my throat tightened, as a pit of guilt filled my stomach.

'I'm sorry...'

"Eli?" I glanced over to see Kalon enter my room as I quickly brushed the tears that threatened to fall off.

"Yeah?..." I squeaked before clearing my throat.
"Yeah, what's up?"

"Nothing you just ran off - I wanted to make sure you were okay." He gave me a look as he leaned against the doorframe. He prying in my issues wasn't what I wanted to deal with right now.

"Yeah I'm fine, Kalon..." I mumbled softly, as he stepped closer.
I kept my gaze down, hoping he'd leave me alone.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing! Okay? I'm fine! Didn't you hear me? I said I'm fucking fine!" I shouted glancing up to meet his bright blue eyes. As he stepped back and raised his eyebrows.

"You prick! I was just trying to give a shit about you!" He shoved my shoulders, making me slam my fist into his chest.

"Don't touch me!" My voice started to break, as he grabbed my fist and twisted my wrist.

"Ah-!" I cried out in pain, till someone ripped Kalon off me, as I saw Vance enclose Kalon in his hold.

"Get the fuck off me!" He shouted as he twisted while Vance let his back hit the wall, while he held onto the Kalon tightly.

As he attempted to get away from his hold, Adorjan came into the room with all the noise as he stepped in and was in front of Kalon.

"Hey hey hey, knock it off. Calm down..." he told the boy.

"I got him, Adorjan." Vance told him. Adorjan glanced over to me, before taking his lengthy strides to engulf me into a tight hug.

Clinging to him, as my body ached.
"I don't know what his problem is..." Adorjan whispered.

"I-I'm sure I set him off."

"He's been short tempered lately...don't blame yourself." I glanced to over the see the boy whose chest began to rise and fall aggressively as he calmed down in Vance's hold.

"What the hell happened?" Vance asked while he sat against the wall, the much more calm boy, still catching his breath in front of him, while Vance rubbed Kalon's shoulders.

"N-nothing...nothing happened..." I'd have to explain what set me off. This was my fault for snapping at Kalon.

Fletcher shyly came into the room struggling on her crutches.
"I-is everything okay?"

"Yes it's fine..." I spit walking past her not wanting to be in the crossfire anymore, I could hear Vance calling my name as I left the house, I made my way outside and decided on traveling down the the creek.

I needed air...I was overwhelmed and stressed out.
Pulling my knees up to my chest, I felt like I couldn't breathe.
Coby wanted me back - and I knew how he was, he would fight till he got me back.
That thought terrified me.

The sound of crunching leaves made me perk up. I internally groaned.

"What's going on, love?" I felt Vance's hands land on my back as he massaged my shoulders.

Closing my eyes I leaned back into him, humming softly.

"N-nothing." I sniffled as my voice started to crack.

"Elliott..." He whispered in a warning tone that sent shivers down my back.

"Y-yes daddy?" I perked up, tilting my head to look at the gorgeous man, he looked so good as he recently cut his scruffy beard, his deep brown passionate eyes.

"Tell me what's bothering you, love?"
His soft gentle tone, even after a fight with Kalon. Telling me how he was a safe space. I need to tell him, tell him about Coby, and how he's been tormenting me...just to see me.
Yet I can't.

"I-I've just been stressed...I'm sorry..." I lied, as he leaned into him affectionately. His hands ran down my chest, in a calming manner, it all just made me wanna cry, but I didn't. 

Everything was silent, till Vance began coughing, he leaned back so he didn't bother me, when a few coughs turned into a fit, I turned around, with a concern look, was Vance getting sick?

"Have you been feeling okay?" I ask softly, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Just a little cold, don't worry about me." He whispered. "You need to go and talk to Kalon though..." He added lowly. "I'll never force you to apologize, but think about it."

I sighed he was probably right, I followed after him, as I got to Kalon's room, he was curled under his sheets, it was dark in his room, I wasn't sure he was awake until I heard a soft sniffle.

"Kal?" I asked softly. "Are you alright?"

"Hm? Uhm y-yea." He sat up. "Are you okay? I-I don't wanna hurt you..."

I nodded. "I-I'm okay."
Kneeling on the end of his bed, he instantly grabbed me and pulled us down, so was I was laying on his chest.

It felt peaceful...knowing he didn't hate me. He wasn't blaming me, giving me the silent treatment...

Everything was nice.

He squinted his eyes as he glanced at the window behind me.

All the color drained from his face, as he got up swiftly and pushed me behind him. My stomach fell, as the words fell from his mouth.

He whispered.
"Someone's out there..."

Okay I have questions - who's your favorite character...?

Now if you'd like to elaborate more. I'd love to know your favorite character/personality and then your favorite character's pov to read?

I know Milo is my favorite character, but I love writing in Kalons pov.

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