Take off(1)

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I heard you!! I heard each and every single one of you amazing humans. Here's your sequel to HAVENS HOME FOR BOYS.

(Read this! Please)
This is a sequel! it 1000% picks up exactly where havens home for boys was left off, yet this time with more drama, if you start here you will. Be. Lost. There isn't much explaining so to know the characters please please please read the first.

Okay that's out of the way - here's the boring stuff.
You guys are so incredibly amazing, and I loved reading every comment and message about how much you guys wanted this - I had no intentions of a second but so so many of you guys asked so you shall receive. Thank you guys for giving me the chance to be an author.

Without further ado.

Safe haven :)

Vances pov

"Look I just don't trust my boys on their own..." My little brother argued.

"Listen Andy, I promise I understand that with every ounce of my body, but I promise you they are okay Declan and Adorjan are there it's okay..." Since Andy took in his boys...Rayn and Felix, he's been so protective over them.

I felt my phone vibrate as I furrowed my eyebrows with concern to see Kalon calling.

"Kalon? What's up?" I asked softly, to hear his soft giggle.

"O-okay so Daddy!" He started in a soft slur, I had to ignore the way my body reacted to that. I wasn't used to Kalon using those formalities.

"Hey! Let me talk to him." Elliot could be heard in the back, loud music was also echoing, making me question everything I just told Andy.

"Kalon - what's going on?"

"Nothing! B-but listen - y-you can't be mad okkkay?" He continuously slurred.

"Kalon...Darling - be a good boy, give the phone to Milo?" I could hear him mumbled under his breath as he fumbled through obstacles to find Milo,

"What?" I could hear Milo question.

"He dooooesn't wanna talk to me." Kalon scoffed as he handed off the phone.

"Yes?" Milo asked calmly.

"You better not-"

"I'm not drinking." He cut me off his tone not changing, yet it was clear he was annoyed.
Milo was almost five months pregnant - drinking would be incredibly dangerous for the baby.

"Then what's going on?" I grit getting frustrated.

"They decided to get into the alcohol." He mumbled.

"Seriously, do I need to get you guys a babysitter?" I spit frustrated, as Andy gave me a worrisome glance.

"Start sobering everyone up - make them drink water. I'll head back..." I mumbled, before filling Andy in as we made our way back home.

We helped getting all the boys to calm down, before they crashed for the night.

The next morning I called them all into the living room with Andy at my side.

"What the hell happened last night?" I crossed my arms across my chest glaring at each and every one of them, none of them choose to speak.

"Alright it's clear you chose to be idiotic...so first to tell me who's idea it was doesn't get any punishment..."

Lycus was the first to speak up, glanced at me with his piercing blue eyes, which currently matched his vibrant blue hair, he dyed with River who had a deep red.

"Andy's boys wanted nothing to do with it - they don't deserve to be punished." The rest of the boys agreed.
Andy stood behind me, "Rayn and Felix know better, they'll be punished too, for participating..." Rayn glanced up glaring at Andy, and huffing. Felix looked incredible hurt getting scolded.

"Well who's idea was it?" Asking with a firm tone.
"This was so incredibly irresponsible of you guys." Glancing to my oldest Declan and Adorjan, "I trusted you guys!" They both had their heads down as I scolded.

"No one's gonna step up?"

"It was my idea." Kalon mumbled, as much as I wanted to say I was surprised. I wasn't, Kalons learned he's safe here. Which I'm glad. But that also means he's been testing his limits.

"Alright...everyone needs to clean up this mess." I mumbled kicking the red cup, that was at my feet and scattered throughout the house.

"Kalon, in my room, strip completely and kneel on the floor waiting for me." I mumbled, before I went to grab trash bags for the boys, before taking a shot of my liquor bottle. That was left on the counter. Knowing I'd need it.

"What's your way out?" Shutting the door behind me.

"Red, sir." He kept his head hung low. As I walked behind him, I ran my fingers through his hair.
"Good boy. Get on the bed on all fours - if you fall onto your torso, I start over till you can get it right. You have fifteen...if you can stay on all fours."
Pulling out my favorite paddle from the closet, he instantly obeyed, as I rested the paddle against his ass before pulling it back, then letting it collide.

"Mmf~ one, thank you sir..." he cried, replying exactly as he should.
The next one echoed through the room, as his cries turned to screams.

After having to repeat twice - his ass was bright red and tears were rushing down his face, I sat onto the bed pulling him into my lap, he clung to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly as there were still tears running down his cheeks.
He nodded against my chest.

"You should know better Kalon, after what happened a few months ago, I don't wanna risk anything. It wasn't responsible of you." I told him running my fingers through his hair.

"Y-yes sir..." I pulled away just enough to tip his chin, before I wiped his tears.
Pressing our lips together, softly he relaxed into me, as my hand found the back of his head.

We pulled away as he glanced up at me innocently with sparkling eyes, his brunette hair clinging to the sides of his temples as I brushed it out of the way.

"Let's go get you some water and maybe some ice. So you're not hungover and in pain." I smirked before helping the small boy get dressed, as Blue and Elliot came in.

"Master..." Eli whined before crashing onto my bed - Kalon blushed before he yanked his shirt over his head to make sure he wasn't exposed.
"Andy wants to talk to you..." Blue whispered softly.

Blue was my newest boy here, I was happy to say how well he was fitting in. He got along great and warmed up well even with our dynamic.

I came down to my brother, adjusting the cuffs on my shirt, stepping into the living room, which was much better than before.

Andy pushed his smaller boy, Felix out.
"Go ahead tell him - Kalon doesn't deserve the blame." Andy spoke in a low warning tone.

"I-It was my idea..." Felix whispered.

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