"Of course I did," I pouted, although she couldn't see me, "I missed your voice."

"Oh. Just my voice? Should I turn back my car then because it's enough you're hearing me?" she asked teasingly.

"You're coming here?" I gasped, standing up. I haven't even showered yet!

"Yup. Be there in 10 minutes."

By that, she meant she'll be parking her car on the corner of our street since our road is too narrow for it. She'll be waiting for me there.

"Okay, see you!" I quickly dropped the call and heard her laugh in my head because now I'm on a rush.

I quickly ran to my closet to get some fresh clothes and passed by the mirror. I frowned seeing my tangled up hair and tried to brush it first.

10 minutes later, I'm already drying my body and hair inside my room when I saw Lisa calling again so I answered it quickly.

"You're there already?" I asked exasperatedly, still drying my hair and hoping she didn't call to cancel on me again, "I'm coming!"

But she didn't answer, so I had to check on the screen to see if she's still there but to my surprise, it's on video call... I gasped. I have a towel wrapped around my chest but, still...

Lisa cleared her throat and flickered her gaze back on the camera for only a second. "I just called to say take your time. Don't run around."

"Yeah. Okay," I said quietly, smiling a little before ending the call with a loud sigh that followed.

My heart's beating fast. Thank goodness I still had that towel on my body.

After getting dressed, I looked at the full body mirror to make sure I look presentable. I wore a yellow blouse today because it's Lisa's favorite color.

I spotted her leaning against her car, hands inside her slacks' pockets. Suddenly, her gaze zeroed on me as if she sensed my presence and then she smiled.

"Hi," she pushes herself off her car and met me halfway.

"I was just looking at you in the newspaper," I pretend to be giving her a full body check with my eyes and nodded, "You look prettier in person."

Her laugh sounds so beautiful.

"I'm not sure if that's a compliment. Did I at least look fine in that picture?"

"Like a celebrity," I grinned, coming up to wrap my arms around her nape and give her a gentle squeeze. "I missed you so much."

I'll probably cut out her picture and paste it in my journal.

"Me too," she kisses the top of my head as she wraps her arms around me, "Let's go on a date, wherever you want."

"Really?" I pulled away and smiled wide, thinking of bringing her to a street foods date since I've been craving for it.

"Yeah. Any restaurant you got in mind? Or a bar? My friend opened a jazz bar if you— what's wrong? If you don't like it there it's fine," she said, probably sensing my sudden lack of enthusiasm.

I forced a smile and shook my head, "No, let's go there."

"You sure?"

I nodded. Anywhere with Lisa is good enough for me. I just want to spend more time with her, it doesn't matter where.

"Alright," her smile is back as she opened the door of her car for me.


"New car freshener?" I asked, sniffing a jasmine scent with hints of citrus.

simply in love (jenlisa)Where stories live. Discover now