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"Ok I think I don't have any of your clothes but take this. It's mine it can be a little big"

"Channie you don't have to do this"

"You were having a anxiety attack, there's no way I'm leaving you alone tonight. I know you're still mad but dress up, me , Seungkwan and Vernon will sleep in the living room or Minghao bedroom."

"No, I'll sleep there"

"Don't think about that" Vernon said taking his things "sleep here, I texted Soo"


Dino was leaving when Hayun grabbed his wrist "can we talk?"

He nodded and sat besides her

"Thanks for helping me but how did you know?"

"After knowing about the rumors I texted Haeri, I wanted to speak with you before you saw but I was too late. Yun can you listened to me? I fucking miss you and I hate  being like this" the girl nodded "I'm sorry for saying that maybe you would text him back and even if you did I shouldn't be mad at you. If you say you love me I trust you but please make sure he gets that you don't want anything with him. And about yesterday, I was talking with Seungkwan about how much I missed you and it was only a day and when I said that I didn't mean I want that. You're my home outside my idol life, every second I have is to be with you I don't even think twice. You may be my first girlfriend but I know what I feel for you and I'll fight for it. I can't lose you"

"I never gave you a reason to think I would cheat on you. You are the one who leaves me here for months and I never thought you would do that to me"

"Babe I'm not crazy. I don't want to ruin what we have"

"So why did you  fought with me and said those things? You could've just asked and I would give you the truth"

"I don't know Yun, I got mad and scared of losing you and I made it worst. Can you forgive me? I trust you babe, it was just my jealousy talking"

"Never again Channie"

"So that means I'm forgiven" he asks leaning into her and subtly looking at her lips

She didn't answer instead she kisses him not for too long but enough to make him smile

"I missed kissing you sooo much. It's my favorite hobby" he said

"You can put that on your resume" she said chuckling and peck him again "sleep here with me and the boys can also sleep here"

"Babe I don't know.... You kinda snore"

"I know your lying"

"Yeah I want you all to my self but ok I'll call them and put some movie" He kissed her again before calling Vernon and Seungkwan

Everyone loves 🎨

I have a complaint

Who I need to kill?

Are you up to kill Vernon?

For the right price I can scrap his arm but that's it

What he did?

He's at home,what could he do?

I know he's home, he should be here
I'm waiting for him for 40 minutes

I went to check on him
He's sleeping
They all are
Hayun is there too

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