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"So... what happened?" Sehun asked sitting next to her

"At our evaluation, the director said that my paintings were lacking passion. I was wondering what happened and what could I do do make him see my fellings on the paintings. Going home I bumped to Jongsoo and we talked.... Don't look me like that.he actually did help but then he send me a message and Dino saw and let his imagination run wild"

"Babe, if Sooyun received a message from her ex, he would be in trouble"

"He. Dino was angry at me! He thought I would respond to Jongsoo if he was not there with me and was angry that I talked with him about my problems"

"And why didn't you talked to him?" Sehun asked

"I knew you were hurt, I should've gone with you" Minjun said looking sad " maybe that way you could open to me and not to that jerk"

"He didn't do anything, he was just there and after I didn't want to bother Chan. I was fine, his advice worked. I'm mad because he didn't trust me. He goes away for moths and I never even though that he was cheating on me. Not for a second."

"It's different. He never dated Hayun. After knowing them I could tell the youngest are oblivious what it takes to have a relationship. Vernon thought that is easy as saying I like you"

"Sooyun is right, he never dated and is dealing with an present ex. He doesn't know how to deal with jealousy." Sehun said

" I get that you feel betrayed. He took you for someone who'd cheat. We three know that's impossible. You have us so we can talk trash about him or we can just drink and watch a movie to take your mind of things"

"But you think I was harsh on him Minjun?"

"I think, you got mad because he didn't trust you and I think he talk without thinking. You two love each other. Like Sooyun said, he doesn't know what to do. I'm pretty sure he gather all his members to find a solution because he doesn't know."

"I fucked up?" Hayun asked

"No bubs, just let him be for some days. Let him calm down. You did nothing wrong and you're right he needs to trust you. When I thought Iseul was cheating on me you were there to calm me down so I didn't explode on her. He didn't had that"

"Ok, I think I need a shot right now and watch IT"

They all laughed seeing Sooyun rolling her eyes

Meanwhile in Woozi place, Seventeen was there helping Dino. They were sat down while Jeonghan was up next to a white board.

"So we all gather here today to help our baby who fucked up" he said as he wrote " how to salvage Dino relationship"

"Why do you have a white board at your home?" DK asked Woozi

"It's Jiwoo's, she likes to draw in it"

"Focus people" Taylor said "we like her so Hayun cannot go. If she doesn't want Dino we should figure a way to be with her without him"

"When I hang out with Sooyun you can come too" Vernon suggested

"Hey! The plan is not to lose Hayun"  Dino said

"It's what I said"

"I don't wanna lose her"

"You won't" Wonwoo comfort the younger boy "let's take this serious. You should apologize to her. You suspect that she would cheat on you"

"She should've told him what happened" Mingyu said

"I don't believe he tells her everytime he gets upset in practice" Minghao said " I know I don't"

"And there's normal if you tell me you're upset because you did a dance wrong for me that's not to bad but for you it's important. Of course I would want to help him with all but sometimes you are better for that" Taylor said

"Maybe let her be for some time and then talk to her. About your perspective" S.Coups suggested " you were wrong and rude, she might be angry and doesn't wanna talk to you"

"We told you to not be insecure, from what we can tell she truly loves you" Joshua added

"I know but seeing him texting her and then knowing that she talked to him and not me. It pissed me off"

"I get you but it's worth to fucked up your relationship because of him?" Jun asked "I'm sure he will be happy to hear that"

"That why I'm asking you for help! I'm so screwed. She kick me out of her home she must be so mad at me"

They stay there for some more time trying to plan the best apologies plan.

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