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badbsoo story

badbsoo story

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Hot people🔥

I hate you

Aww thanks baby ♥️

Are you really upset that I slept in Hayun's

Awww that's so cute
She was mine before you showed up
Sucks to be you

Wanna come to New York?
You can sleep here 😉

Shouldn't you be sleeping?

Are you going to see Iseul today?

I don't know how he'll survive seeing her
He'll probably start crying

Send video of that

She'll be so happy
It's a beautiful surprise you are doing

And a expensive one
You really love her

You wouldn't do it for Sooyun ?

Of course I would
Don't put me on the spot, you hurtful creature

Always 😊

Hayun I saw some fans of Seventeen performing on the streets
The fact that you're dating a idol it's still so unreal to me

Seventeen is getting recognized even more every day
They deserve it

That's true
They work so much
They try to be involved in everything
It's still weird for me also

Have you told your parents?

I'm thinking about that
Me and Dino are dating for almost 6 months so maybe it's time to tell them
I'm worried about their reaction

Your mother likes to talk....
That one time she saw us hugging she told all her friends her daughter was dating

I don't think she will tell her friends if Hayun asks her not too

That's my concern

What Dino tell you about that?

I haven't told him this
But I felt kinda bad when he asked me if our parents know about us
He talks with his family about me
His mom told him she wants to meet me

Aww 🥰
I'm loving this
You two are so cute

I think he understands if you want to delay a bit telling your parents

Knowing your dad he won't be too happy about you dating a idol

I know
I was going to tell him at the exhibition
He was so happy for me
But I couldn't do it

Of course he was happy
We're signed artist now
And we have an exhibition in 4 months

I need to tell them
I just need to know how
And make sure my mom doesn't talk

You'll find a way

Minjun are you coming already?


On my way

Everyone leaving me 😭

Shut up
You told me your were going to spend the day with Taylor and Mei
Haeri is with her parents, right?

That's the best that came from dating Dino

The girls are incredible

Don't tell that to him 😂

After Sooyun left Hayun's house, the girls took her time to clean her house. As she was cleaning her art corner she saw the paintings her and Dino.

It made her laughed at the chaotic mess he created but now it's her favorite painting. She took it and hers as well and put above her bed.


*Send photo *

Mine shouldn't be there, it's horrible

It is, but I like it
It reminds me of you

I gave you a teddy for that
But that's cute 🥰

I have news....

Tay asked you to marry her ?
Or Mei
Or Sooyun
Or Sehun
Or Haeri

No babe that happened weeks ago
Sooyun and Minjun are dating!

She was always talking about him
It was obvious
I'm happy for them

If she meet Seventeen and still loves him, it's true love

😂 😂
Her bias is almost married so...

There's more of you
And she's crazy about you

She's living the dream
She's our friend
For what I know her and Vernon talk regularly

I know!
Strange combination
I don't know how that happened
Uni starts in  1 week 😭😭

It's your last year
And now you have your gallery work
Isn't best for you to leave your part time ?

I thought about that but I still need the money
The contract me and Minjun signed we have an experience time and also the condition that in our exhibition each of one need to sell one piece

That's easy
I'll buy one
But promise me that after that you'll leave the coffee
I don't want you to be tired

You are the one who works to much  Channie
Are you fine ?

I've been resting
Don't worry about me


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