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"What are you thinking about?" Sehun scared her whispering at her ear

"You scared me. What are you doing here?"

"I have a lecture now. Where's Sooyun and Minjun?"

"Don't know. She has class with me now, must be running late"

"How are you?"

"I broke up with him..." Hayun said looking at her hands , then she explain the whole conversation.

"You did the right thing. Too much drama, we're too young for that shit. Imagine how he would be with a kid? You would be a single parent"

"You're thinking ahead" she said laughing

"If you don't see a future with him why waste your time?"

"That's why you don't date?" She asked him.

Sehun was good looking, he has a lot of girls trying to catch his attention but until now he only dated a girl in high school.

"I'm waiting for you" he said puckering his lips earning a tap from Hayun " ok, ok. I'm waiting on her..."

"Iseul? Sehun you don't know when she'll be back. She left 3 years ago"

"She told she would come back after uni. I will wait for her. She's my little cutie pie"

"It's so weird hearing you be all mushy" Hayun hugs the boy "you really love her"

"Yup...but the important here is that you, my friend, are single and ready to mingle"

"No! I still need time"

"You can spend that time with a boy that I know. I'll give you a hint his name starts with a D and ends in ino"

"I hate you all" she said getting up " I'll go to my class, have a good day sir"

Yunyunishere story

Yunyunishere story

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Hot People 🔥🔥

I miss one day and you replace me?

I'm way better than you
But tell us why did missed class 😏
Minjun wasn't there also

Stop with your theories
My mom need help in the store

Did Sooyun also went to help ?

Not you too
The problem is that you replace me you bitch

Never, you're always be my person



You're just jealous
Babe are u at work?

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