Entry 6

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9th of February 2021

I want to kill myself. Hahaha I'm joking, my ex wasn't though. Lmao. 

Ethan decided to snoop around my room today since he was home sick, and he found this journal. Luckily there isn't anything too bad in this, or I would've been in deep shit. Dick was home after a hangover and saw the journal in Ethan's hands, but I'm lucky he hasn't told my mum. 

New kid in school today as well. Her name is Emilia, she has beautiful blonde hair with a pink front. I hope to talk to her tomorrow because idk I get a vibe from her that I just like. 

Oh, and Ophelia was at school today, and she clung onto me harder than usual! I love her so much sometimes. 

I'm going to make notes about my friends here:

Ophelia is panromantic and demi-sexual.

Nick is a bisexual king but lends more towards woman.

And finally, Pallette is non-binary and aromantic. 

I know everyone is gay in some sort of way but I'm the gayest/j i don't think there is one person who is the gayest. Anyways it's food time for the gremlins and myself. Bye. 

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